Chapter 33

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As we walk up to Rowena Ravenclaw's ghost, she scowls "The last time a boy like you came to me-"

Harry nods, before declaring "I know Tom Riddle hurt yo-"

"He defiled me!" She hisses, causing Harry to fall silent. She shakes her head at him and insists "I would never give it to you! His puppet!"

Harry looks taken aback, so I speak up "If you are as wise as they say you are, you know who I am, yes?"

She furrows her brow and states "You're Draco Malfoy."

I nod, before declaring "Then you know what Voldemort did to me?" Harry cocks an eyebrow to me "How I could loathe him for it?"

She gives a short nod "I've known what you are since I saw you on your first run around the castle grounds."

I smile, politely "Then you know that I would put a stop to the dark magic in your diadem, just to spite him."

She scoffs at me, before remarking "Why aren't you charming." She looks me over "You remind me of him."

I set my jaw, causing her to chuckle. When she stops, she sighs "Fine, dear boy. If you as clever as you seem, you could figure out what he might have done with it."

Harry looks me over, curiously "Do you know where it is?"

I furrow my brow and lean against the window seal. The force field outside takes a couple of hits as I think.

Then it hits me "Salazar Slytherin's chambers were off limits to Slytherins. I would have hide it there."

Harry nods, before ordering "Let's go!"

I stop him as he turns "They cleared out Slytherin's are when those kids broke in. Shoved everything into the Room of Requirement when Dumbledore was reassigned headmaster."

He nods, before declaring "You're a bloody genius."

As we jog down a flight of stairs, the castle becomes manic and I look outside to find the force field falling.


When we get to the Room of Requirement, Harry asks "Colin and you are back together?"

I grunt in response, before declaring "He gives good head." He scoffs and I tell him "I already gave Ginny the go ahead, so no hard feelings."

He hums, before declaring "I've got an eye for a certain blonde. I believe we both know him."

I give a weak smile "I don't know him." He cocks an eyebrow to me and I ask "Can you feel the horcrux?"

He nods, before tilting his head to the side as he looks over a small black box. When he holds it in his hands, he opens it to expose a silver diadem with a huge sapphire. Two sapphires hang below it.

A maddened cackle sounds through the room and I sigh in recognition, before turning to find Pansy and her two goons point their wands at us.

I glance to Harry and insist "Run." He shakes his head and I tell him "That was an order!"

He cocks an eyebrow to me "Do you really think I would leave you with these arseholes?"

Pansy sneers "Draco, darling, come over here!"

I look to Harry and whisper "She's delusional enough for me to get away with this."

He shakes his head and I hear Hermione cast a "Stupefy!" Crabbe drops his wand and they retreat.

As Ron and I chase after them, Goyle stops Ron by casting Fiendfyre. When Ron runs off, I look around to find fire everywhere.

With that, I climb the pile of shit to try to get to the top.

Pansy and her goons follow me up.

In one accusation, I look down to find Crabbe falling into the flames.

Panic strikes when I reach the top of the mountain to find no way out.

Out of the flames, I spot three brooms flying towards me. One of them scoops down and I spot Harry reaching for me.

I miss, and as he loops around, Hermione and Ron help Pansy and Goyle.

And when I sit on the back of Harry's broom, I grip his waist and squeeze into him, trembling.

When we roll onto the corridor ground, the diadem falls onto the ground and Hermione calls out "Draco!"

She tosses me a basilisk fang and I sink it into the gigantic sapphire. As Harry falls back, I kick it into the Room of Requirement.

When it meets the flames, Voldemort's face flies towards me.

Right before the flames can escape, Ron and Hermione slam the doors.


When we walk into the great hall, I search the crowd for Blaise and Lucius. I completely ignore the bodies, until I stop behind the Weasley's to find Fred on the floor.

As my lip quivers, Harry gasps and looks to me "Draco, I'm so sorry."

I look at him in confusion, before I spot Tonks and Remus over his shoulder. I whimpers escapes my lips as a bundle of white hair lays, it's face pointing the other direction.

In shock, I step towards the body and all I can think is "Luna's poor father." But we passed them both on the way in.

As I stand at his feet, I feel Harry's hand on my face as something bubbles in my stomach.

My knees buckle and I drop as my vision goes blurry with tears. When I kneel over his chest, sobs escape my lips and I grab his robes as I cry out in agony.

Harry holds onto me as I cry out "YOU PROMISED!" I scream, as Harry shushes me softly "YOU PROMISED YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME!"

I rest my head on Lucius's chest. When I arch my back and lift my head to howl out a whine, Harry takes hold of my head and pulls me to his chest.

Like a child, I grip his waist and cry in utter agony.


After Harry left, I sat with Lucius and held his hand. The crescent moon starts to disappear in the horizon as Oliver and Neville carry a body into the great hall.

As Blaise walks in, he stops dead in his tracks and grips onto Oliver.

I look down at my hand which holds onto Lucius's. My nails are long and sharp. When I furrow my brow in confusion, they contract, back to normal, I remember something Remus told me.

"Some werewolves can control it, when the moon isn't full."

As Blaise kneels next to me, he gives a weak smile "Hey, big guy. How are you doing?"

I give him a very unamused look and he rubs my back, softly. Before the sun is up, sounds come from outside, in the courtyard.

As people file out, I stop at the entrance of the great hall, to find Colin lays there, dead.

Something in me breaks, and I, immediately, understand what I have to do.

The Afflicted Pretty Boy ~ Book 3 of the Pretty Boy trilogy Where stories live. Discover now