Chapter 31

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It been a couple of months since we got back to Hogwarts. Colin and I have continue having sex, and it feels like it did before.

But the safety of Harry's smell still haunts me. And, although I sleep next to Colin, I dream of Harry.

The thought of him, it makes me starving for affection. And, in the moment, Colin fucks the need for him out of me.

As I rest my head on my pillow, panting like the little bitch I am, Colin asks "What's the necklace?"

I look down at my charm and he clarifies "I noticed it when we were dating, but I never asked."

I hold it in my hand and bat my eyes in remembrance of the Christmas party, when I gave it's twin to Harry.

With a scoff, I lay it flat on my chest and cover it with my hand "It's a stupid little charm I got a few years ago. For Harry." I scoff and ensure "I honestly forgot about it."

He gives a weak smile, before asking "Are you going to go back to dating him, after the war?"

I furrow my brow and tell him "I'm not going to live through the war." He furrows his brow in confusion and I sit up, before sighing "I've got a class in an hour. I should start getting ready."

He furrows his brow and grabs my shoulder, softly "Why wouldn't you survive the war?"

I set my jaw and tell him "If it comes down to it, and I've lost everyone, I might become the beast."

He nudges me back a bit and orders "Come back here."

As I shift a bit for him to see my face, I look him over, before telling him "Pansy and I talked a lot last year."

He furrows his brow in confusion and asks "Why would you talk to her, Draco?"

I look down at the sheets and tells him "She brought me alcohol, and would tell me what was happening."

He furrows his brow as I continue on "And she basically gave me a spot with the death eaters, if I wanted it."

He sets his jaw and asks "Are you going to take her up on that offer?" I take a deep breath, before giving him a look that reads of not knowing.

I stand and pull up my pants, before declaring "For my own survival, I'd do it."

He's silent for a moment, before asking with a harsh tone "Why the fuck would you do that?"

I scoff as I start to button my shirt and tell him "Part of being a Slytherin is self-preservation."

He furrows his brow and roars "And becoming a supremacist is part of that?"

I sigh as I pull on my blazer and tightening my tie. As I pull on my shoes, I tell him "Siding with the winning side, is."

He sets his jaw as I tie my shoes "I'm not comfortable with you thinking about joining the death eaters."

I scoff as I stand. As I grab my bookbag, I cock an eyebrow to him "I hardly see how that's your decision."

He sets his jaw and declares "If you do that, we're done." He shakes his head "We're not friends."

I scoff, before sneering at him "All you are to me is a big cock."

He presses his lips into a fine line and I shake my head, before stepping out of my door and slamming it shut behind me.


When I get to lunch, Blaise holds out a letter "Your owl dropped this off, a few minutes ago."

As I sit next to him, on the opposite side of Colin, I open it and read aloud.

"Edward Remus 'Teddy' Lupin, was born in the late hours of April 10th, 1998, at fifty centimeters in length and eight pounds. It was quite a surprise when Remus John Lupin, looked down to find a head of blue hair. He and Nymphadora Tonks are pleased to announce the arrival of their metamorphmagus son."

At the bottom of the letter, is a side note from Tonks.

"As the closest living relative to Teddy, we have awarded you to be one of Teddy's godparents. Remus and I have decided to title Harry Potter as his other, in the event that we pass before Teddy is able to care for himself. I know you and he have history, but we've decided that your two brains are the closest to Remus's and my own. In our task to find godparents, Remus was tasked to look for someone like myself, and I was to look for someone like Remus."

"Remus told me of a time, the summer before last, when Lucius and he caught you staring at the moon. He told me you locked yourself in your bathroom. About how you hated your life, and wondered why you were the way you were. One night, I caught he and Harry fighting. Harry called him a coward for cursing his marriage to me, and wishing Teddy was never conceived. He said this, because he feared that Teddy would inherit the affliction."

"We picked you, because you could counter balance Harry's recklessness. And we picked Harry, to counter balance your hesitation. In short, you two remind us of Remus and myself. We love you both, and want you two to play a key part in our son's life. For the good of Teddy, stop the fighting and start learning how to be friends. Love, Tonks and Remus."

As I sit the letter down, Blaise asks "Have you had a civilized conversation with him, since you two broke up?"

I shake my head, before declaring "The only time I talked to him, alone, he tried to feed me Amortentia chocolate."

Blaise looks to Colin, before asking "How do you feel about him having to talk to Harry?"

He cocks an eyebrow at Blaise and remarks "Draco has made it very clear that I have zero influence on what he does to fuck up his life."

I scoff and stand up. As I start to walk away, Blaise calls out "At least get something to eat!"

I sigh, before grabbing a few sandwiches, Colin asks "Why the fuck would you?"

I furrow my brow and speak louder than I should "You're not my fucking boyfriend, Colin!"

Everyone stops their conversations and Colin blushes a deep red, before I start to walk away.

When I get a few feet away, Ginny pops out of her seat and asks "Can we talk for a minute?"

The Afflicted Pretty Boy ~ Book 3 of the Pretty Boy trilogy Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz