Niall's fingers fumble with the lock, and the men on the inside get antsy listening to the metal clang against the wood. Finally, the lock is removed and the board is pulled off, and the doors open to the sight of Niall, gripping the lock and map with shaking hands.

Harry is the first to walk forward. "Hi." He greets lamely.

Niall takes in a big breath, blowing it out slowly. "Hello. Here." He hands the map over to Harry, who handles it as if it a precious artifact, and in his perspective, it is, since it is his key to freedom.

Harry looks down at it, and in the time he's studying it, his group of remaining comrades have come up behind him. Niall steps back, pulling the doors open further.

"Harry," Niall calls, his voice shaking. He can see a faint light over near one of the outer posts, where William probably chose as his napping spot for the night. However, the light is moving. William is walking, and from what Niall can tell he's still continuing his route. He'll make his way back around soon enough. "you have to get out of here. Now."

Harry looks up, and then pulls Niall in so he can see the map better with his lantern. He looks out at the trees, and then back at the map. "Men, we're going that way. Go on ahead into the woods, I'll be there in a second. Be sharp." Harry orders, and the other men look around at each other before finally stepping out into the fresh air.

"Here, here's some torches for you, and some matches. Only light then once you get out into the forest." Niall made some makeshift torches out of kindling and wood, that he threw together very quickly last night after Harry went back into the barn.

Each man takes their own torch and Niall hands Harry the matches. Once all the men are out of the barn, Niall closes the door and puts the board and lock back on. Harry continues to stand next to Niall, scanning the map.

"Harry. Go. Now." Niall orders, getting frantic at seeing the light come closer. Harry has yet to notice.

"All right, c'mon." Harry says, turning around and walking in the opposite direction of the light. After a few paces, Harry notices that Niall isn't behind him. "Come on, Niall. Don't tell me your getting scared now. We're so close." Harry's eyes are bright, and excited, but the face Niall is making makes his smile fall.

"Harry, I'm not going with you." Niall tells him, stepping back to stand next to his tent.

Harry blinks, shaking his head. "What do you mean you're not coming? This was our plan. You get the map, I round up the men, and we all go back to our camp."

Niall nods, "Yeah, your camp. Not mine. I have to stay here." Niall looks over Harry's shoulder and can see the outline of William.

"But..." Harry thinks about it, stepping closer, further into the light. "you can't stay here, surely."

Niall sighs, "As much as I hate it, they're still my company, Harry. I can't just run away."

"You won't be running away, you'll be coming with me, to my company."

"Do you really think they'll just accept someone who looks like me into your company?" Niall asks rhetorically, fingering at his grey coat.

"You saved us, Niall. That's worth something."

"Not to the enemy, Harry. You may be my friend, but I will always be the enemy in their eyes."

Harry shakes his head, "You don't know that. They could accept you for saving the lives of ten people."

"Or they could turn me away for having thirteen others killed." Niall stands his ground. "I am not coming."

Harry steps closer again, and by the time Niall registers it, Harry's not even a foot away. "If you stay here, you'll die. They'll kill you for letting us go."

"I'd rather die knowing someone I care about gets to live, than live facing the cruelty of both sides in this war."

"You won't face cruelty. I'll protect you. I'll take care of you, like you've done for me these past few weeks." Harry promises, a thin shine coming over his eyes. "Please come with me."

"That will only put yourself into more danger." William is drawing closer. "Go, Harry. Please."

A tear slides down Harry's cheek, a stark contrast on his dirty skin. Harry steps closer, opening his arms, and before Niall can step back, he's wrapping himself around Niall, hugging him tightly. He whispers, "I know I can't convince you, so I'll go. I'll never forget about you. Thank you, for everything."

Niall pulls his arms free and wraps himself around Harry in return, squeezing just as tightly. He doesn't say anything, and even if he did, he would've been cut off.

"Horan!" William yells, and Niall pushes against Harry so he'll let go of him.

"Go." Niall whispers.

At that, Harry takes one last glance at the man who saved his life, before running for the trees. He can hear the rifle being loaded and braces himself for the pain of the bullet, but is surprised when he hears a gunshot and the sound of a distraught groan and a body hitting the ground.

He stops in his tracks and turns around, fearing that it was Niall that was shot, but gasps at the sight of the man he's never met on the ground, dead, and Niall above him holding the rifle that the man was holding.

One by one, the lights in the camp come on. Voices can be heard and people begin to run toward the barn.

"Harry, go! Now!" Niall yells, but Harry is frozen. "Go!"

The figures are coming closer. He can see the corporal in the midst of them, running out to him. He stalks up to Harry and pushes him, trying to get him to move.

Finally, he resorts to slapping the man across the face, screaming, "Run, Harry! Go! Now! Run!" Harry finally comes to and bolts for the forest, tuning out the commotion behind him, knowing that Niall is gonna be killed for his actions, or worse.

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