When mum came home, she came straight to my room to give me a hug.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not great." I didn't want to worry her about the messages as then she'd want to know about all the lies. I was embarrassed. I hadn't handled my breakup well.

"Kya, it's okay to hurt. It's part of the healing process. Some people come into our lives, stay a short while but leave lasting impressions on our hearts. It might feel hard now, but it will get easier. Just hang in there."

"I don't think I even like him." I thought about how Jace had hurt me and how Nate had betrayed me, "I'm done with guys."

"Good," said mum. She pulled me close for a hug, "You are all mine."

"Yeah," I snuggled into her.


I didn't want to go to school the next day. Mum and dad had already left for work so there was nobody chasing me out the door. I dragged my heels trying to stall the inevitable.

"Kya, you're going to be late." Murray pointed out.

I groaned, "I don't want to go."

Aero sniffed my fingers and let me pat his head. I crouched next to him, nuzzling my head into his neck. He was usually full of energy but recently it was like he sensed I needed his affection and he kept trying to be close to me and lying at my feet.

"You can bunk off again. Mum won't keep covering for you and I'll tell her about your lies."

"Don't blackmail me."

"'I'm offering you a lift to school."

I sighed and lifted my school bag and followed him out the house. Murray drove in silence. As we pulled up into the school car park he said, "Did you see the posts online?"

"Yeah," I sulked. "It's stupid."

Murray sighed, "This is what you get for lying."

I grinded my teeth, I didn't need Murray to be on my case too. "You can fuck off too!" I snapped. I got out the car and gave the door a hard slam.

I knew that would piss him off. He got out, "Oi!" He yelled but I stormed off before I heard anymore.

I walked into my homeroom and was greeted by the chant, "Kya, Kya, pants on fire." Followed by laughter. I ignored them and took a seat at the front of the classroom. I made sure I didn't look in the direction of where my friends sat.

I was in survival mood. I had to get through today. Registration was a blur and as I walked down the corridors to my lessons, people purposely bumped into me. I saw them watch me and whisper. A group of younger students held their fists over their noses, I knew to make a point about my lying. I tried to pretend I didn't notice. To be numb. Inside I was struggling to hold it together. I had no friends. No distractions. I couldn't hear the teacher in class, the words on the page were hard to read because my mind was all over the place.

Hate Liars

Such a bitch

Wish she was dead

Words I had read online ran through my bed. Some I felt I deserved. Others that were just cruel.

She's not even that pretty.

No idea what Jace ever saw in her.

I wouldn't even pump and dump.

During breaks, I wandered the corridors, making sure I wasn't anywhere for long enough for anyone to approach me. By the time I got home, I was busting for the loo as I had feared going incase I saw Kya. As I relieved myself, I burst into tears. My stomach ached from holding it for so long and I was exhausted from trying not to give them satisfaction of making me cry.

I was surprised Fallon and Arizona hadn't joined in. They seemed as willing to have nothing to do with me as I was with them. Except, I missed them. I wanted to go back. To undo what I did. To make it right. But it was too late. It had become too big.

I was home alone. My parents still working and Murray was at swim practice. Aero lay his head in my lap as I sat on the sofa. He whined. Like he could sense my sadness. "Sorry," I apologised for bringing him down. I felt guilty.


The next day was just as hard. If not worse. Jace approached me, "Sorry."

"Sorry," I spat back. "You've turned everyone against me. Why couldn't you have kept your mouth shut."

"Why should I lie?"

"You did lie!" My hand swiped across his face. "You lied about Mariah!"

I then heard a voice that sent a chill down my spine, "Now princess Kya is man beating because her brother won't fall for her lies."

I knew before I turned around that I would be greeted by a mobile screen. My eyes filled with tears. I had enough of the taunts. I wasn't strong enough to get through this. I ran home.

I was relieved to be alone in the house alone. Aero followed me up to my room. I cried into my pillow and he lay on the floor next to my bed waiting for me to get out but there was so much. I didn't think I could every stop.

I checked my phone. Did anyone care? Did anyone notice I was gone?

I wish I hadn't. The notifications was creeping up at a rapid post to say people were liking a video I was tagged in. I knew what video it was. As soon as I saw it, I untagged myself. Only a few hours later, I was tagged again. The video got edited. Someone posted a clip of just the end where I cried with the tag, "The girl that cried wolf". I untagged myself and reported it. It got posted again with the comment, "The girl that cried rape."

People were private messaging me about my behaviour towards Jace.

OMG Jace was apologising to you. He shouldn't be the one apologising it's you! Bitch! And you slap his face. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Do you think it is okay for girls to hit boys! You're the reason women can't get equality. You are everything wrong with women!

Lol Lol Lol I can't get over your ugly crying face. Didn't think you could get uglier but man, that's a face not even a mother could love.

I did feel sorry for you but now you can just die for all I care.

Starts to get messages on social media calling her a liar

Death threats

Photos modified to make her look ugly etc

Have her not want anything to do with Nate as she directs the anger at him.

Then she will hit a low and want to kill herself and thats when she realised she can rapidly heal. She doesn't think anyone will believe her.

"Kya," I hurried up to where I was sitting and stood in front of the table. "You've got to let me explain."

I was relieved that he was here to seek forgiveness. "What?"

"Tom was worried about you and told people about the hospital. Word got back to Murray and you parents and they called the hospital. They told them we had left and then your mum rang my mum to ask if I had made it home and then she found us."

"Why is Fallon so mad. Did you tell her nothing happened."

"She believed me until Jace told her about seeing us together."

"Fallon, there's nothing going on between us."


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