Chapter Two: Representatives

Start from the beginning

“Just follow what the Master decided”, Erza glared at him. Natsu can’t help but surrender.


“Master….”, Lucy mumbled as she closed the door in Master Makarov’s office.

“Lucy, come here”, Master Makarov gestured to the chair. “Have a sit”

“Why did you ask for my presence?”, Lucy asked. Laxus was beside Master Makarov, busying himself in looking at the window but she’s pretty sure he’s listening as well.

“I didn’t call your name as a representative. I’m sure Natsu’s about to complain about that”, Master Makarov started.

“You told me beforehand that you have something else you wanted me to do”, Lucy replied.

“Yes. You’re such a smart child”, Master Makarov turned and looked out his window. “Lucy…there’s a dangerous mission that I want you to do. I know the risk is too high by asking you and telling Natsu about this, I’m sure he won’t approve of you going alone”, Master Makarov said.

“You already knew this thing would become like this”, Lucy sadly looked down.

“Yes, and you approved of what I’m asking without any hesitations. For that I am truly grateful”, master Makarov bowed with a smile.

“If it helps Fairy Tail, I will do everything”, Lucy gripped the hem of her skirt showing determination in her eyes. With that said, Laxus looked at her showing some concern.

“Thank you. This is a frightening experience and I’m sorry that I can’t guarantee your safety on this, so, I’m asking you again. Are you sure you want to do this?”, Master Makarov looked at her seriously.

Lucy repaid that same seriousness when she faced him.

“I’ve been through worse than the one you are asking me to do. Master, let me do it”, Lucy said with a hint of fury in her eyes.

“Thank you”, Master Makarov bowed.

“I only have….one favor to ask from you, Master”, Lucy said.

“What is it my child?”, Master Makarov asked soothingly.

“Please don’t tell Natsu and Happy about the plan, please keep it a secret from them….if they know, they’ll try to stop me….whatever happens to me…..please make sure…that Natsu won’t do something recklessly out on his own accord. He’s an idiot who acts according to his instincts. He never thinks before acting. He may get hurt and jeopardize the mission if he knew about this….so please”, Lucy bowed at him.

“Is that what you truly want? You can still complain about this”, Laxus asked, unable to keep his silence.

“I’m sure. After all, this is something only I could do”, Lucy looked at him with seriousness. “It’s the first time the Master and the Council asked me for something big, I can’t back down and say no. If Natsu was the one who was asked like this, I’m sure he’ll do the same”, Lucy smiled.

“No, I pretty much think that boy would volunteer himself even if I don’t ask him”, the Master sweat-dropped at the idea.

“Haha, you’re quite right about that. Natsu…..he has so much strength and courage in him. I want to at least show the same…..being his partner and a friend, I want to garner and let everybody see the same qualities he shows. After all, I am….a Fairy Tail wizard too”, Lucy gave Master Makarov her warmest smile.

“I understand. You have my word. I won’t tell them anything unless necessary”, Master Makarov patted her head. “You hold such great feelings for him, my child. Your feelings, are really warm”, Master Makarov thought as he looks over Lucy.

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