A Fiery Finish

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Y/n's P.o.v☆

Po starts yelling, and I'm only able to hear little bits and pieces of some syllables. I look from Po to Shen, and he seems confused.

"What!?" I look back to Po whose still trying to talk to Shen. I look down to the boats ahead of us that have stopped, and look to a wolf as he turns to Shen, giving him a questioning 'what now?' look.

"What..?" Shen asks again, as if to himself. I look to Po and he takes off his hat, holding it out, he then throws it, having it just barely leave his hand before it falls to the ground. Po starts turning away, and covering his face.

"Ooookay..? Take aim!" Shen calls out to his army, waving his hand. The wolves start moving the cannons towards Po.

"Ready!" I look on, watching in confusion, and anxiety as Po starts jumping from building to building, roof to roof, making the wolves quickly move the cannon back and forth, up and down, to try and get Po when he stops. I step away from Shen, and watch as Po keeps evading the aim, running back and forth, confused as anyone as to what his tactic is.

"Just get him!" Po runs a little more, than jumps onto a boat. Po starts swerving in between cannons and wolves on each ship. When one ship lights their cannon that's aimed at the opposite ship, some wolves jump over board. The commander wolf starts yelling,

"Don't shoot!! Crossfire!" Shen steps forward, dragging me by my chain, causing me to stumble, and sit on the ground, coughing,

"ATTACK!" All wolves surge forward, as Po makes it up a cannon with an axe, then he trows it to the five, yelling something as he's tackled. Monkey catches it with his tail, and sets the five free. they land in the pile that on Po, and knock all the wolves off. They stand around talking, and then they start heading for the ship that Shen and I are on, knocking wolves off the ships left and right. All of the sudden a pile of wolves from behind Po disappear, as they all fly away due to Master Ox. Po turns to him and says, something, as Master Croc comes out of the water, they seem to exchange words until, Ox motions behind him, and I see a line of wolves thrown into the air, speeding right for Po, and the Masters. I see something small fly through the air, and land on a staff. I have to squint my eyes to try and make it out, as it clears the wolves from around the students, someone yells, and I just barely pick up the voice,

"Quickly, use their boats to block the way!" I feel as my eyes widen, unable to comprehend if he's really here, as the the boats start to block the gateway for the city's boats.

"What.." Shen takes a step, and watches in horror, as The Five, Po, Ox, Croc, and Shifu fly over the blockade, taking out the ships one by one.

"Why aren't we firing!?" Shen yells, and the commander wolf answers, as I stand up,

"They're taking out our gunners, sir. They're getting close" both Shen and I look up, Shen watching in terror, of Po, and I looking over the waves of wolves that are attacking, in small open space, I see him, my best friend, my one and only,

"Shifu!?" I watch as his ears twitch, his head turning towards me, and I watch his face turn to a small, loving, smile. I suddenly feel myself being yanked back, falling hard to the ground at Shen's feet, with a groan. 

"Shifu..." Shen pulls my chain, so I'm kneeling, bringing his face close enough to mine, I see him looking out the corner of his eye at something, then he smashes his lips onto mine, one hand on the chain, the other behind my neck to keep me in place, I try to push away, and feel the grip on my neck tighten. He lets me go, and I fall back to the floor, wiping my mouth of any traces of him. I turn to Shifu, trying to apologize, and he's seething, teeth grinding, fist balled, as he starts making his way to us, smacking wolves around, like rag dolls, into other wolves or into the water, Shen sees this and begins to panic,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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