Everybody was kung fu fighting!

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~~Hey guys! I'm sorry for the delay. I've hadn't been able to find time to update, with college, and stuff. Well here you go, hope you enjoy.~~

-Y/n's Pov-

I follow behind the five silently,

"We've got to get them out safely.." Tigress says taking charge as Monkey takes a piglet to find her mother.

"Viper gather the southern farmers, Mantis the north, Crane light the way.." She hands the lantern to Crane who takes off to lead the people. Tigress looks back to me sympathetically, then turns to the fleeing villagers, making her way down the rest of the steps, and helps a bunny family with their cart.

The panda stops walking by my side, sadly looking at the village, and its inhabitants leaving their homes. He continues walking, and I watch as he turns into his father's shop. I silently stand on the steps, crying, I stop when I've realized how much I care for him, for Shifu. Wide-eyed I turn back to the Jade Palace, my home, I glare at it in a look of determination.

"I'm coming Shifu..." I say as I jump into the air spreading my wings and turn myself to the palace.

"Please just hold on.." I say to myself, pleading to the gods he hasn't left me yet.

3rd Pov-

As Y/n flies, as fast as she can her wings tiring, but her never stopping, Shifu stands in the entrance to the Hall of Warriors, patiently waiting for his son to return. With a flash of lightning, a crash of thunder, Shifu blinks. When he opens them, there towering over him, is Tai Lung, his face unreadable as he stares Shifu down.

Shifu's Pov-

"I have come home, Master..." Tai Lung says, slightly lowering his head in bow.

"This is no longer your home, and I am no longer your Master.." I say trying to keep the cracks in my voice to a minimum.

"Oh yes, you have a new favorite... So where is this Po..?" He chuckles, then straightens his face.

"Did I scare him off..?" Clearing my conscience, accepting my fate, I try to look Tai Lung down.

"This battle is between you, and me.." Tai Lung's eyes show no emotions as he says,

"So, This is how it is going to be.." Turning his back to me.

"That is how it must be." I turn, standing my ground. Tai Lung growls, then launches into the air, Coming down, I squint my eyes to see him, and jump. Just barely missing his ground crushing landing, right where I was. He lifts, and kicks, a chunk of the earth, I punch trough it to see Tai Lung right at me.

Y/n's Pov-

I begin to see the Hall of Warriors, as I hear a crash, I push myself further, gasping for air. I land as Tai lung kicks Master Rhino's armor at Shifu.

"Who filled my head with dreams, who drove me to train until my bones cracked.. Who denied me my destiny?!" Tai Lung launches multiple weapons at Shifu. Without thinking, I fly, the fastest I've ever, hurling myself, so fast as I passed the weapons I could hear them fly, landing in front of Shifu I create a gust of wind to divert them away from Myself, and Shifu behind me. Tai Lung kicks up a heavy bladed weapon, and as it flies, I moved to the side, and Shifu grabs it allowing it to force its way into the ground beside us.

"It was never my decision to make!" Shifu yells to Tai Lung, he growls and charges us. Turning to get to Oogway's staff, he picks it up. Turning to us.

"It is now..." Shifu rushes him, as I stay back waiting for the time to protect Shifu. Shifu manages to kick Tai Lung's chest, and dodge his attacks, but it comes to a close as Tai Lung pins Shifu to the floor using Oogway's staff.

"Give me the scroll."

"I would rather die." Tai Lung growls, and pushes further onto the staff, choking Shifu. I glare at my son, and launch myself at him, using my nails to aim at his face. He raises an arm to protect himself from me. And the other arm forces his weight onto the staff, snapping, cracking, and finally breaking it. Shifu turns to the staff as Tai Lung grabs a hold of my feet, holding me upside down. Both Shifu and I stops, witnessing what had just happened, tears forming in my eyes, as petals flow through the air so peacefully. Tai Lung runs and kicks Shifu before I can say anything. Shifu pushes against a wall, as Tai Lung forces his weight onto Shifu. They break away, as Shifu falls to the ground. Shifu takes off, and Tai Lung drops me, following his teacher. Shifu bounces from pillar to pillar, column to column, his vengeance-seeking student behind him. They fly through the roof, And I try to get up to find them, I grab onto a column, to support myself as they fall back into the hall, with a yell. Tai Lung kicks Shifu right into the pillar I'm holding onto, and he slides down to the ground. Tai Lung pounces on us, as Shifu readies himself.

"All I ever did, I did to make you proud.. Tell me how proud you are, Shifu. Tell Me! Tell Me!" Tai Lung keeps punching Shifu, each strike in time with his words. Each contact his fist made hurt me as much as it did Shifu. With a final punch Shifu flies to the edge of the pool, with a grunt he tries to get up. I limp my way over to him, trying to evade Tai Lung's sight.

"w-we've always been proud, of you, from the first moment we've been proud of you." I say, as I limp out into the light. Tai Lung's eyes turn to me, then Shifu as he says.

"And it was my pride... that blinded me. I, we, loved you too much to see what you were becoming. What I was turning you into.." I get to Shifu's side, and try to help him up,

"Tai Lung...we-we're sorry.." Shifu, and I, finish standing, leaning on each other. Tai Lung's eyes soften, as the words sink in. Then he reaches for Shifu, and I step in the way. Grasping my neck he pushes me to the floor, growling.

"I don't want your apology! I want my scroll!" He lifts me up, and his face changes to one of surprise,

"What?! Where is it!" He slams me into the ground, and I let out a whimper as Shifu looks at Tai Lung.

"Dragon warrior has taken scroll halfway across china by now. You will never see that scroll Tai Lung.." Shifu tells him, and Tai Lung lets his claws out, pointing them at Shifu as he tightens his grip on my neck. His paw slowly takes away more and more of my air, as he presses his claw to Shifu's Chest, right above his heart. My vision slowly begins to dim before I hear a yell of,


~~Updated hope you enjoyed!~~


Thanks for the support!!

♤♡ReadinWriter ◇♧

(1,195 words!)

Master Shifu X {Female} Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن