The Ceremony

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~Hello my fellow, People. I'm sorry that I don't update much, on this or my other books, if you read them..~

I sit on the porch, eating, listening to Shifu play the flute. I open my eyes to see the students come at him, all at once. Shifu easily moves, evading, and attacking, until finally they all become out of breath.

"Well done, students." They all put their hands together, and bow, in respect. "-If you were trying to disappoint me! Tigress you need more ferocity, Monkey greater speed, Crane height, Viper subtly, Mantis.."

"Master Shifu."

"What.?!" Shifu points to Zeng

"I-Its Master Oogway h-he wants to see you, and Master Y/n.." Shifu looks to me, then runs out of the training grounds, I stand up, spread my wings and take off after him. We make it to the Hall of Heroes, as Shifu stops, collecting himself, I land behind him.

"Master Oogway. You summonded us..?" Shifu, and I put our hands together, and bow.

"Is something wrong..?" I ask, as Shifu raises his head.

-Oogway does his cool stick-thingy-

"Why, must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friends..?" Oogway says, looking at us as he walks.

"..So nothings wrong..?" Shifu asks, as I look up to Oogway.

"Well..I didn't say that.." Shifu and I give one another a nervous glance, then return our gaze back to our Master. Master Oogway walks to his meditation candles, slowly blowing one after another, out. I let out a quiet huff, then Shifu becomes an airbender for a moment.

"You were saying..?" Shifu asks, nonchilantly.

"I've had a vision.." Oogway turns to us. "Tai Lung will return.." I remember Tai Lung, his limp body only a few feet from where I stand, years ago, I come back to my senses with a small cry, and turn to Shifu a look of worry on my face, then I rest my head in my wings, to quietly cry. Shifu wraps an arm around my back, and looks to Oogway.

"T-That is impossible! He is in prison.."

"Nothing is impossible.." Oogway says, then I raise my head.

"Zeng!!" I call, turning to the goose, but Shifu beats me to it.

"Fly to Chorh-Gom Prison, and tell them to double the guards, double the weapons, double everything! Tai lung Does Not leave that prison!!" Zeng flies off with a, 'Yes, Master Shifu!' Then hits a pillar.

"One often meets their denstiny, on the road they take to avoid it.." Shifu and I turn to Oogway.

"We have to do something, we can't just let him march on the valley-" Shifu starts.

"-And take his revenge!" I call out.

"He'll- he'll" Shifu goes to continue, only to be stoped by Oogway.

"Your minds are like this water, my friends.. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.." Shifu and I look to the reflection in the pool, then up to the dragon scroll.

"The Dragon Scroll.." Shifu says, almost in awe.

"It is time..."

"But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? To become the dragon warrior..?" I ask my former Master.

"I don't know." Shifu and I both give Oogway a look like, 'What-the-kung-fu?!'.

-Shifu ordered the palace servants to go put up posters, informing the citizens that the Dragon warrior shall be chosen.-

Master Shifu X {Female} Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن