Depressing thoughts

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He really did know she loved him. But did she love him enough to stay loyal?

He loved her with all of his heart.

He should have known she would have never had a affair. All he ever felt was love and adoration coming from his soulmark, and that she have been enough. But seeing everyone depressed and worried, it got him thinking some not so good thoughts.

But he should have pushed it away like he would have usually had. But this time it was different. He was having doubts when he shouldn't have.

And now, he wanted to beg and plead for the forgiveness of his princess. To kiss her feet and beg. To plead. All for her forgiveness.

He made a huge mistake, that almost cost him his soulmate. And he deserved to be sent to the dungeons of Asgard. For all of eternity.

Soulmates and marriage was a big thing on Asgard. Most didn't have a affair. They loved they're soulmate till the very end of eternity. He saw it with his mother and father. And he wanted that with his soulmate, his Chloe. Only if he trusted her enough to be faithful.

Maybe she wouldn't have gotten in that car.

Maybe she wouldn't have gotten so anger to get in that car.

Maybe she wouldn't have been driving so angry.

Maybe she wouldn't be in pain, because of him. He should have confronted her. Nicely of course. And he would have known she had no affair and was completely loyal. But like the big idiot he knew he was. He didn't. He broke his princesses heart and watched as she left and never looked back.

He was the one that wasn't being trustful.

He's the one that should be in pain and suffering.

He's the one that should be in the dungeons suffering.

He should have trusted her more.

Because he knew she loved him.

He didn't deserved to be loved by such a goddess.

She loved him to much and look where that got her.

It almost cost her,

Her life.

And If she would have died.

He would have no reason to live anymore.

He'll rot like the corpse he felt like.

Because without her.

That's all he was.

A rotting and decaying corpse.

He was nothing without her.

Peter (my smol bean! My poor baby!)

He felt terrible.

He felt like an asshole.

He felt like the guys he fought as Spider-Man.

He was no better then any of them.

First he stole her heart.

Her love.

And her trust.

And then here comes.

Breaking all of it.

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