Chapter 24

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"Girl I don't I mean he is cute and nice and he is obsessed with Nala" Rae smiled "I mean I would have sex with him but I just I don't know" she sighed

"Well if that's what will make you happy do it" shawna shrugged "me and her will both be happy for you because koby is a chill funny nice guy" she said and I nodded in agreement

"Yeah he is really a soft lover boy" I said and Rae started cheesing

"I know and I love that about him" she laughed a little "I know I can be a little aggressive and spicy but I think he can handle it but he hasn't pissed me off yet so" we laughed

"While he a little spicy too don't get it fuck up he was about to punch Janie fucking head off that day Bryan told him what happened" shawna said and I nodded

"Yeah and before you came to his mom house the dad gmom passed he was REALLY about to fuck her up like I got scared" she looked at me wide eyed "yes bitch he scared me"

She shook her head

"So what did your babydad say to get back in your good graces" Shawna laughed and Rae kissed her lips

"Fuck that nigga man but he is a good dad" I nodded

It was true

"Y'all probably are better apart" I said and she nodded

"I know because every time we get together it always something like I am good over here even if koby don't work or he don't feel the same way I know I'm good alone" I nodded

I watched random people walk by just scanning our surroundings

"Bitch is that Nick" Rae smiled at me

"Where" I looked around and saw him walking over to us "lord here his dumb ass come"

"What's up Rae" he hugged her and gasped "my baby" he yelled and I laughed and he pulled me in a hug

"How you been Nick" I stepped back

"I been good and I see you getting finer by the day baby" he looked me up and down licking his lips "I think about you at least two time a week" he said making me laugh

"Oh that's flattering" I smiled and he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me away from shawna and Rae "I have a man" I shouted

"What you can have friends like girl relax ain't nobody worried about your little boy friend" he laughed

"Don't disrespect my man nigga" I straight faced him and he threw his hands up in surrender "I will fuck you up" I tilted my head

"You still the same" he laughed "but listen take my number" he put his hand out

"No nigga did you not just hear what I said I have a dude" he kissed his lips and pulled out some money and a pen and wrote his number on it "you really gone waste $20" he shrugged and put it in my purse

"If I had a million dollar bill I would give it to you cause you worth it" he started cheesing and I laughed "but be careful out here okay now I can relax cause I know you okay" he hugged me again

"Bye Nicolas" I walked back to shawna and Rae

"Damn Girl" he yelled "all that ass"

"Yeah and my nigga control all this ass nigga" I heard him laugh

Rae laughed and we left the house

"Hey baby" I walked in the living straddled Bryan and he frowned up his face

"What nigga you was hugging" he pulled me by my neck and sniffed me "what the fuck"

"Huh" was all I could say

Bi-Polar Love *BBW love story*Where stories live. Discover now