"You know I would never purposely do anything to hurt Riley." He started, ignoring my question.

"You didn't cheat on her, did you?" I had to ask.

His eyes widen and he shakes his head. "No. Never."

"Then what's wrong? She thinks you are cheating or disgusted with her or something."

"Recently, I...realized something about myself. I'm not disgusted with Riley. I love her to death, and in no way is any of this because of her." He continued nervously, tears slipping past his cheeks. "I don't want to hurt her, Maddie."

I scoot closer to him and rest my hand on his to keep it from shaking violently, because this was honestly starting to scare me a little. "Louis, whatever it is, you can tell me."

He sniffled and hung his head in disappointment. "I think - No, I know..."

I stayed silent, hoping it would encourage him to keep going.

"I like men."

His chest started to rise and fall heavily as he swallowed back a sob, and I smiled sadly.

"Louis..." I trailed off, releasing his hands and pulling him into a tight hug. He relaxed in my arms, the sob finally leaving his throat as he rested his head against my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He cried.

I rubbed his back gently, my eyes watering. "Don't be sorry, Lou. You being gay doesn't change what any of us think of you."

My words only made him cry harder, and his arms tightened around my waist. "I don't know how to tell her, Maddie. She's going to hate me."

"She's not going to hate you. If she really loves you - which she does - she would understand and support you." I pulled back from our hug to see his red, puffy eyes, and used my hand to wipe his tears away.

He wasn't full on crying anymore, but he continued to take shaky breaths while tears slipped past his lashes. "I went to England to visit my mum's grave. I felt like I had to tell her first before I told anyone else."

My heart broke right then and there, and I squeezed his hand. "I know she's very proud of you."

He smiled thankfully, nodding slightly. "You are the first person I've told this. I knew you'd understand the most."

"Oh my god. Coming out to my dad was the scariest shit ever for me." I laughed. "I thought he was going to disown me for being bisexual. I know it's not exactly the same thing as coming out as gay, but I felt that relief once I told him, and we both cried like babies when he said he'd support me no matter who I love."

"Your dad is a huge softie no matter how hard he looks." Louis chuckled. "Thank you for listening."

"Thank you for telling me." I responded, pulling him into another firm hug. "I love you, Louis. Always."

"I love you too, Maddie." He sighed in my embrace before we both pulled back. "I should really go talk to Riley."

"I know she's my best friend, and she deserves the truth, but only talk to her if you're ready. Don't talk to her because you feel like you have to." I reassured him.

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