The dinner consisted of Beam laughing at his jokes through the entire course of their meal. Forth liked the sound of his laugh so much that he had forgotten what's about to happen tomorrow.

After they had their fill, Beam convinced Forth to do a little more walking. Only until Beam noticed him winced.

"We should go back." Beam suggested.
"Are you sure? We can walk around some more. Visit some trinkets shop that you might like."

"I'm full and sleepy. I wanna lie down." Beam tugged on Forth's jacket.

"If you say so."

They walked back in the direction of the restaurant and passed over a glass window of the jewelry shop, showcasing a ring that caught Forth's attention.

No sooner than a few blocks away, Forth finally decided to get the ring. He knew Beam would like it.

Forth stopped walking. He looked at his feet under the snow-covered pavement. Their boots were sprinkled in snow. His triple-layered jacket faired against the cold.

Beam felt the tug on his hand. He looked back at Forth. His husband only gave him a smile. One that seemed to make his eyes sparkle.

"Go on ahead. I'll catch up to you." He told Beam.

"Okay," Beam responded with a clueless grin.

Forth let's go of Beam's hand. The warmth suddenly vanished from him.

He watched as Beam walked away from where he stood. He bit his lips as he stared at his back. When he was certain that Beam was far enough, he gave him another look. He turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

Almost limping in a rush, he managed to get to the shop and bought the ring just as they were about to close. Forth head back to where he and Beam departed. From far ahead on the same spot, he saw Beam whom he thought had already gone back to their rented house. He chuckled when he noticed Beam playing with the pile of snow with his foot.

"Forth! Where'd you go?"

He traced the ring inside his pocket against his gloves.

"I thought I forgot my debit card at the restaurant. Let's go. It's getting colder here." He leads Beam away before he'd get any more ideas.

It was dark when they reached the house. The heater had done its job. Beam was grateful to get out of the cold. The breeze outside was getting colder by the minute. He sat on the couch and watched Forth unravel through the layers of his jacket. In between seconds of staring at him, Beam wondered if he'll make it on his own out here. He knew Forth was tough but he could only be tough for so long. He began asking himself if what they're doing is even right.



Forth placed his jackets on the couch and sat next to Beam.

"You're thinking again. You've been doing that during the flight, when we were walking earlier and now, here." He rested his chin on Beam's shoulder.

"I'm worried." Beam bit his lips. He sighed and stared at his lap.

"I'm scared." Forth blurted out. He met Beam's eye and smiled.

"I don't know how I'll make it here without you. We've only got back together and now we'll have to part ways again."

The wind rattled the windows and it creaked a couple of times before it stopped. The hand of the clock above them seemed to take over the silence.

"But Beam, baby, we have to see this through. You were right to decide on this."

Forth took his hand and intertwined it with his own. Beam slightly nods in agreement.

"This is us we're talking about. We can do this. This is nothing. We've been through worse. Right?" Forth chuckled and Beam followed.

Beam nodded with more eagerness this time.

"This will be quick and I'll be back before you even know it. We're worth the wait."

"Okay.." Beam uttered, his voice almost breaking.

"I know you'll miss this handsome face too much." Forth wiggled his brows and laughed as he got smacked in the head by Beam.

The clock continued to turn louder in each passing hour. The two stayed up to talk about the past, reminiscing the good moments, and the not so good ones. When the early dawn came, Forth suggested going outside.

"Wow." They said in unison. The stars were more vibrant and sparkling than they ever were. From a distance above the mountains, Beam could see curtains of faint lights in green and purple, dancing gently.

Forth wrapped his arms around Beam from behind.

"Promise me you'll take care of yourself. Don't skip a meal. I'll know." Forth kissed Beam on the side of his head.

"I should be the one saying that," Beam responded.

"You'll be picked up by the driver tomorrow-" Forth paused and swallowed the lump of air in his throat. "Or later. The plane will be waiting for you."

All Beam could do was nod.

"I'll wait for you.  Come back to me. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir." Forth answered promptly.

Beam locked his gaze with Forth. They could see the stars in each other's eyes. And for once nothing else mattered except their hearts that beat for one another. Their love has withstood the tests of fate.

The wind blew its cold breath as they watched the night sky gently fades into the morning.

When the sun had finally shown itself, Beam, in awe, noticed a bunch of yellow daffodils wildly growing. He couldn't imagine how it had managed to bloom buried underneath the cold. His heart jumped at the sight as the yellow flowers pop up above the white field of snow that stretched for miles and miles. He pointed at the flowers eagerly and it earned a chuckle from Forth.

Beam felt something slipped on his ring finger. When he glanced at his hand, a diamond-encrusted ring sparkled against the morning sun.

"Forth w-what-"

"Marry me again when I get back." Forth whispered behind his ear before Beam could even utter the next word.

"Forth-" Beam was caught off guard by the sudden order. It wasn't even a proposal nor a question.

"Say yes, baby."

Beam felt a kiss in his neck.

"Of course I'll marry you again, stupid." 

Forth snickered at Beam's remark. He tightened his arms around his waist as they continued to watch the sunrise. In between his smile, Forth silently mouthed the words 'I love you' and Beam could hear it loud and clear echoing to the mountains and back to him.


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