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The Next Day

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The Next Day


She stayed in bed then looked at her ceiling fan that was spinning endlessly. Lonnie came in her room. 

"Get up and go outside Mike is outside waiting for you." Lonnie shouted, pulling Ormi's covers off of her. "FUCK! It's cold!" Ormi groaned. "Let Mike in."  Ormi muttered getting out the bed. "MIKE! COME IN!" Lonnie yelled.

 Ormi went to look for a quick outfit. "Hey Orms." Mike greeted brightly. Ormi smiled a little. "Hey love bug." 

"I'm going to go take a quick shower." She left the room. 

"She still calls you love bug huh?" Lonnie asked. Mike chuckled. "You know she does." 

 "Welp Mikey, she's going call you love bug so much that she forgets your own name." Lonnie chuckled making Mike smile. 

"How do you like her girlfriend?" Lonnie asked. "I think Beverly is nice, and good for her." Mike replied softly.

Ormi came back with a towel around her. "Can you girls get out I need to get dressed." Ormi said. Lonnie and Mike walked out. Ormi put on a black tank top and cuffed mom jeans on.

Once she was finished she walked out her room. "Bye Lonnie!" Ormi and Mike said. "Bye." 

"Get on." Mike hit the back of his bike. Ormi jumped in the cart in front of his bike instead. "You meant get in." Ormi beamed. "Last time I let you do this you got stuck," Mike complained. "Shush! We need to go." 

 Mike chuckled and they rode to Bill's house. 

"What do you think he has to show us?" Ormi asked. "I have nooo idea," Mike answered as they got to Bill's house. "OVER HERE!" Richie yelled waving from Bill's garage. Mike and Ormi ran in the garage.

Mike started helping Bill with the projector so Ormi sat next to Beverly. "Hey baby." She said. "Hey babe." Ormi greeted back and kissed her cheek. 

Ben closed the garage door. Once Ben sat down the projector started to show a map. 

"Look that's where Guh-G-Georgie disappeared. There's the iron works and the black spot. Everywhere IT happens it's connected by the sewers and the all meet up at-" Bill said. "The well house!" Ben called out.

"It's the house on Neibolt street." Stan identified. Ormi held Beverly's hand as they pulled closer to each other. "You mean that creepy ass place where all the junkies and hobo's like to sleep?" Richie asked. Eddie to a big puff out of his inhaler. 

"I hate that place. I always feel like it's watching me." Beverly said.  "That's where I saw it. That's were I saw the clown." Eddie gasped. "Th-That's where IT lives." Bill replied. "I can't imagine anything wanting to live there." 

"Except a demon clown." Ormi mumbled.  Eddie then abruptly jumped up. "Okay, can we stop talking about this. I can barely breathe, this is summer and kids- I can barely breathe and i'm having a fucking asthma attack." Eddie hastily expressed. "I'm not doing this!" With that Eddie ripped the map off the wall.

 "What the hell. Put the map back."

 "Mm mm." Eddie refused. The projector started going on it's own. Everyone turned to it and it was showing pictures of Georgie. "What happen?" Beverly said. "Maybe it's a glitch or something." Ormi implied. "I'll fix it." 

As mike was attempting to fix the projector, the projector kept flashing pictures. Everyone jumped back. "Georgie," Bill mumbled. Pictures kept flicking. "Bill?" 

It showed a picture of Bill's family in front of a church. 

As it flicked everyone was panicking and it zoomed into Georgie's face then into the woman's face who's hair was blowing. It kept flicking and then it revealed the clown."What the fuck is that?" Eddie yelled as Richie was holding him. 

Beverly was backing up. "Turn it off! Turn it off!" Beverly screamed. Ormi stood there shocked in fear. Everyone was screaming then Mike kicked the projector over. The flicking went slower showing the clown leaving the frame and then the clown was out the picture. 

It was silent only for a split second then the giant clown popped out.  Everyone scrambled. "BEVERLY!" The clown started crawling to everyone. 

Beverly ran into a corner the clown pushed Ormi out the way and made his way to Beverly trying to touch her. Ormi crawled to the garage and opened it. 

Everyone was panting. Beverly walked over and hugged Ormi as tight as she could. Bill was leaving. He was going to the well house on Neibolt street. 

OUR LITTLE SECRET, beverly marshWhere stories live. Discover now