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She took a cigarette and lighter out and decided to smoke for a little. She finished and went back inside. When she walked in her kitchen she felt as if she was being watched and when she turned around there was nothing.

She turned back around and felt breathing down her neck so she ran to the left and turned around slowly to see a clown statue. "What the?" Ormi muttered and turned around to see another one.

The statues started shaking and melting making Ormi panic and run into her room, closing the door. She locked the door and when she turned around to see the clown.

It had light sky-blue eyes and a disturbing grin on it's face while it's hair dripped on Ormi's floor. "So you're the tough girl everyone's been talking about?" The clown claimed. "So you're the clown that's been fucking with my friends?"

On the outside she was brave but on the inside she wanted to curl up in a ball and scream.

"Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Pennywise. I work for the circus. Your friends seem scared of me." Pennywise moved his wet hair up. She cocked her eyebrow. "I'm sure you already know who I am. Why are you wet?"

"Well, I came from the circus. I walked all the way....here in the storm." Pennywise detailed and shook himself dry. "What storm?" Ormi gulped and slightly twist the door knob. The clown charged at her and she ran out screaming.

She shut the door and started crying. The doorbell rung. She opened the door to see a very cold Beverly and Richie.

"You two okay?" Ormi asked, wiping her face and letting them in. Richie sped to Ormi's room. "Yeah we're fine, Richie just left his glasses and I wanted to come back over here but we both got rained on."

Ormi nodded and wiped her face again.

Beverly put her hand against Ormi's cheek. "You okay?" She asked softly. "That dumb clown was here and- and was like in two statues and then was in my room and now I don't think I'm gonna sleep," Ormi explained.

Beverly hugged Ormi. "It'll be fine. We'll talk more about it tomorrow." Beverly kissed Ormi's cheek. They pulled from the hug and smiled at each other.

"I love you." Beverly confessed, leaving Ormi shocked. "You do- You- I love you too!" Ormi squealed and kissed Beverly. "I found them. Hey, Ormi you know your room smells like cand- Woah." Richie said and watched the girls kissing. Ormi and Beverly pulled from each other and looked at Richie.

"A little privacy, maybe?" Beverly told him. "Uhhh, no." The girls rolled their eyes and laughed.

"Bye baby," Ormi said. "Bye-bye lovely," Beverly said walking out the door. "Byeee byeee sexyyy." Richie winked at Ormi jokingly. "Bye Richiee." She did the same before closing the door.

OUR LITTLE SECRET, beverly marshOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant