Chapter 26

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A FBI chamber truck pulled up in front of my building as an agent got out. My arms were crossed as I waited for her to get closer. She stopped in front of me while I dropped my arms down.

"Agent Julien. I heard there was and animatronic killer inside. Please show me," she showed me a badge.

I nodded and walked inside while the doors were held open. I told her to wait here. She did as told as I closed my eyes. I used my powers to locate him and brought him here. I opened my eyes to put my arm out and moved it to the right. He appeared in front of us.

"This is the killer?" She asked and walked up to the suit.

"It is. He is tricking us to think he has been shut down so I wouldn't touch him," I said.

"And how do you know?" She asked.

I walked up to the side of the suit and went to lift the upper part of the mask for his hand to quickly grab my wrist. I growled.

"Get back, this is gonna be bad," I told her.

She gasped to the sudden movement and did as told. Vincent lifted his head and got up while still holding my wrist. He chuckled darkly.

"Long time no see cupcake," he said.

"I rather have you gone than you say that that to me," I pulled my hand away.

"What do you mean, cupcake?" He asked.

I growled more.

He pulled a knife out of one of the holes in his suit. He tried to scratch me as I jumped back. FBI police guys quickly came in and surrounded us. Julien was behind them as I fixed my suit.

"Why do you do that in situations like this?" He asked confused.

"I'm not sure. Anyways, prepare to leave bastard," I smirked and transformed into my monstrous form.

"That scared me once (y/n), but it won't scare me again," he growled and lunged at me.

I easily dodge and grabbed his foot. I flung him back and forth till he stabbed my hand. I let go and hissed.

"You are strong, but you can't defeat me," he growled more.

I went back to normal.

"Why do you even do this? Especially me!!" I yelled at him.

"Because I lost both of my sons," he said.

"You fucking lost your sons and went out to kill kids. Then you try to make me fall for you to only have me give birth to your daughter!!" I spat at him.

"You still remember. How delightful, but you also killed some," he remarked.

"Because you were controlling me. I brought a kid's life back a few weeks ago to your doings!! Think about that," I snarled.

"Wait, you were the one who saved a kid's life?" Julien asked.

I looked over to her and let my guard down to nod.

I got pushed back onto the floor by Vincent. My eyes turned black with the red fuming pupils.

"You may be stronger Vincent, but I'm more powerful than you," my voice demonic.

He looked at me scared.

I smiled and quickly put my feet on his chest and pushed him. He went flying backwards about 9 feet. I hopped up. He got up again as more flashes of him go through my head. I grabbed my head and closed my eyes. I snapped it back up for him to see my eyes glowing white.

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