An Unexpected Visit

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"Is Rascal gone?" Asked the one in blue. You couldn't see their face, but you knew them, right? Your friend.

"Gone forever." Laughed the one in green.

You felt a little sad. Was he really gone forever? Never to be seen again? You missed him, you knew that now.

"Good riddance." Muttered the orange one, "That stupid clown."

The yellow one looked at you, "Is something wrong, Y/n?"

You were in a forest with them now. It was familiar, but from where you had no idea. In the corner of your eye you could see a particularly tall oak tree. It seemed very out of place from the rest of the forest.

"I bet she misses him." Giggled the pink one, "Poor Y/n, prefers an evil clown over her best friends."

You backed away, "I- I like you guys too!" There it was again, words came out your mouth, though you weren't speaking.

The orange one looked at the oak and back at you, "Traitor. Missing him- how could you?"

The yellow one spoke. You expected her to be kind, though that was a mistake. "We wouldn't miss her, so what does it matter?"

You looked at the green and blue ones, "Chloe, April..."

The blue one folded her arms, "In that case, I say we send her to the nightmare realm with him."

The green one scoffed, "Good. Sorry Y/n, but that's what you get."

"E-Emily, please! Lily-"

"I can't believe you chose him over us."

"Why would you miss him, Y/n?"

You backed away until you hit a tree, and the forest was suddenly recognisable. You'd been here before. In your dreams, of course. Where you met....

"Oh, she misses me, does she?" A familiar voice cackled.

You looked up, "R-Rascal?"

He snapped his fingers and the girls disappeared. "I did say I'd see you in your nightmares."

You could see his face. His smug expression, that white mask he always wore...

"Are you real?"

He sighed, "Well, I sure hope so."

You frowned, still leaning against the tree, "But... but you said you couldn't come back."

He looked around, "Ah, this was where we met for the second time. Do you make a habit of coming here?"

"I don't control where my brain takes me."

He shrugged, "Well, you can. You did it last time."

You focused and suddenly you were both in the park. It was almost the same as it was in reality, except it was compeltely empty, and you noticed all the trees were tall oaks.

"Come on, answer me. You said you couldn't come back!"

He snapped his fingers and a chair appeared, which he leaned into lazily, "You really think something is little as entering your mind is a problem for me?"

"Then... why did you tell me you couldn't come back?"
You looked at the grass your brain had created and, for once, knew your cheeks wouldn't heat up. The advantages of being in a dream.

He let out a laugh, "I wanted to hear your reaction. Amusing, I must say."

You told him you'd miss him. Of course you had to go and blurt that out. "I was just joking!" You said suddenly, playing it off like you hadn't meant it.
But you did, didn't you?

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