Failed Hang-Out

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You sat up in your seat as the lunch bell rang, the sharp clear sound ringing in your ears. You quickly stuffed your book and pencil case into your bag. Jumping up and gathering the rest of your books, you quickly left the room.

Stopping off at your locker on the way to the cafeteria, you shoved some of the textbooks you were carrying into your locker. As you walked you pulled out your phone and went on Tumblr.

Pizza today, you better walk faster.

In your hurry to buy some pizza and the fact that you were on Tumblr, you didn't see that asshole Jason sticking his leg out.

You let out a small yell of alarm as you stumbled and fell to the ground. Jason smirked, and his group of friends laughed. You let out a groan as you noticed your phone had slid across the floor. You let out an even louder one when you saw someone pick it up.

"Need a hand?" Said a voice from above you. You looked up and took it.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." You smiled at the girl.

"Kelsey, by the way." She grins at You, holding your phone out.

"Y/n." You take your phone and slide it into your bag.

"Yeah. You sit at the back, right?"

"Yep. You're that volleyball champion who probably has an irrational fear of mailboxes, aren't you?"

Kelsey smiled awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her neck, "Speaking of which, now seems like a good time to talk about last weekend."

"Mail-surfing was fun, by the way."

"Well, the rest of the girls are up on the rooftops, so how about we head up there now?"

You agree and head up towards the rooftop, pizza forgotten. Your head started to fill with both panicked and excited thoughts of meeting all of the 'Glitter Force'.

**Le time skip**

"Hey Kelsey!" Emily smiled, running towards you and Kelsey.

"Hey Em, I brought Y/n." She grinned back.

"Y/n!" Emily cried, giving you a quick huh, before grabbing you by the hand and dragging you over to where the others stood. Kelsey ran after you.

"Hey." Chloe smiled gently at You, waving slightly.

"Hey Y/n!" April smirked.

"Hi..." Lily whispered, clutching her sketchbook to her chest and looking at her feet.

"So, I was just saying to Y/n that since we're all here, it would be a great time to talk about last weekend." Kelsey smiled, walking over to you. Emily followed suit.

"She's already told me about the dream, so what else is there?" Emily asked, a look of slight confusion starting to form on her face.

"What dream was That?" April frowned, looking from you to Emily.

"It- It was nothing." You blushed, your cheeks turning a pale shade of red.

"It's not nothing!"Emily , "You saw Rascal in your dreams when you haven't even met him!"

The other girls gasped, as your face turned even redder.

"Well if you don't mind, it's important that you tell us, Y/n. You only have to tell us if you feel comfortable with doing that. We'd ask Emily, but I think all of us would prefer it to cone from you." Chloe smiled patiently.

"A- alright." You stuttered. They gathered around you as you began to recount your dream.

Once you had finished the expressions on most of their faces was easy to read. Kelsey, Lily and April looked quite alarmed and surprised. Emily looked surprised, but was less so as she had heard you recount it the day before.

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