Not an update

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Hi! So as the title says, this isn't an update. I just wanted to say some things...

First off, thank you for all the comments telling me to continue it, and I am. It's actually inspired me to try and work on this story a little more, as I haven't updated this book for about two months.

Second, although I am trying, I am having "writer's block". Not actual writer's block, but  just cn't think of any new ideas.

Thirdly, (I've just added this in since I forgot to address/mention it.) I have other stories. I have my Chara X Reader, my art book, and this one. I also occasionally update a fun book on another account, for when I'm really stressed. I also have a whole other account I need to set up. I get that you guys would like a new chapter, but please be aware that I have so many things I need to do. (Including homework, I get a ton).

K that's it.


Why are you still here?

Jk here's a reward for scrolling so much.

If you want spoilers (Idk why I'm acting like this is amazing)

Well if ya want spoilers (????) or something then here's most of what I've written so far:


You looked around. The scenery looked beautiful. It was a lake surrounded by trees, with the sunset reflecting off it. You walked closer to the lake, as if in a trance. You knelt down by the side of it and looked into it. You stared at your reflection. Your reflection stared back. Through the rippling water, you caught glimpse of someone else's reflection as they sat beside you.

"Hey." They said, smiling at you. Looking up, towards them, you noticed their hair was short and spiky, but with long bangs at the front. The hair was an unusual color, it was a dark indigo- maybe purple. Their eyes were a dark brown, maybe even black. He wore a white gymnastic-jumpsuit with a ruffled purple overlay with a red line running through it.

"Hi." You reply to him.

"I'm the Joker, but I'm known by another name to most. What's your name?" He smirks slightly, but you aren't suspicious.

"I'm Y/n!" You introduce yourself. He smiles widely like this was what he was waiting for. But you don't see anything wrong with him smiling. you two sort of sit awkwardly together for a moment, before the 'Joker' as he introduced himself to you, spoke up.

"Well, thanks for that. That's all I needed to know." He giggled. You had no idea what he meant by this, until he placed his hands carefully behind your back, and shoved you hard into the lake.

Underneath the perfect-seeming lake, it was just darkness, with a tingle of dark blue. You tried screaming, but it was drowned out (See what I did there) by the water. You tried to swim, but seaweed managed to wrap itself around your leg, pulling you down. Using your hands, you pulled frantically at the plants, but they wrapped themselves around your other leg, and then your arms. Suddenly, you found that you were unable to breathe. Wriggling violently in an attempt to free yourself, you saw a dark shadow dive into the water, slowly getting closer. Thinking it was a shark of sorts, you thrashed harder, no matter how stupid doing that was. The shadow came closer, revealing itself to be the Joker that had pushed you in. He grabbed your chin, forcing your head up to look at him, and for some reason stopping you from struggling.

"So," he spoke calmly as if he weren't underwater, in a laughing tone, "you are the one Ulric was talking about. Imagine my surprise when I found out the book of fairytales wasn't lying about you. I don't suppose you know about the legends, my dear?" You shook your head. "No, I suppose not." he shrugged.

"Go away, or help me out. I don't care. Just stop touching me, you creep!" You yelled, but the water choked you, so your voice sounded weird and distorted.

The Joker smiled. Suddenly, he didn't seem as friendly as the times before. Only his purple-indigo bangs were visible, the rest was concealed by a multicolored jester hat. Over his eye was a white mask, with only darkness where his eyes should be. His gloved hands turning into claws, and you realized in a moment that you shouldn't have trusted him.

"...Well fine. Just remember: I will find out your secret." And in a flash, he disappeared. You started silently suffocating in the water now, with tears filling up in your eyes, and disappearing into the sea. Suddenly, you remembered that unless you wore goggles, your vision would be blurry. And you certainly weren't wearing goggles.


K bye thanks for reading I guess ???

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