A Tall Oak Tree

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"Hey glitter girl." His voice seemed to echo through the space.

"Don't call me that." You said, stepping back and falling through the ground. It stopped looking like a void, down the hole you seemed to be falling through. There were colours now, lots of them.

You noticed a glass window at the edges and swam over to it, holding the ledge by your fingertips. Through the transparent glass, you could see your friends.

"She's missing, where did she go?" Said the one in pink. The more you looked at her face, the less it looked like one. It was like it was completely blurred, though that's what all their faces seemed to be.

"I don't know. Watch me throw this tree!" Said the orange one, before uprooting a tree.

The green one scoffed, "I could throw twice as many as you, and twice as far."

The orange one laughed again, "Oh yeah? Look how far I can throw this!" She turned towards you, before hurling a particularly tall oak in your direction.

You yelled and, as you did so, let go of the ledge. You began to float back  through the tunnel of colours.

A voice tutted, it was right in your ear, "You shouldn't have been their friend." You were talking, though you never opened your mouth.

The figure wrapped their hands around your waist and pulled you away, but now you fell to the floor of a forest, all alone.

It was beautiful. Fireflies zoomed around you and golden leaves rustled on the trees that surrounded you completely. The ground felt like soft, supple dirt, as if it had just rained- though everything else was dry. You couldn't quite place what time of day it was, as if this was a place outside and unaffected by such a trivial thing.

A pumpkin appeared not too far away, and as you approached, it seemed to grow until the gnarled green stem was grazing the leaves sheltering you from the sky. The face was carved like a jack-o'-lantern and seemed to glow as if someone had lit a large candle.

You felt skin brush your hand, and turned in surprise as someone took a hold of it. They pulled you towards them and grasped your other one. The two of you began to dance to a silent melody in this unknown forest.

"Something's wrong." They said softly, notcing your expression. You didn't know what that expression was, exactly. They stopped dancing with you, and just held you.

"What is it?" They sounded concerned. Their voice was gentle, caring.

You didn't move away, enjoying the warmth and the feeling. "I miss someone."

They placed a hand on your back and moved in closer. "Why miss something that isn't gone? They will always be here, right?" They tapped the back of your head lightly. You nodded.

"After all, you've seen them here, haven't you?"

You did not think about this statement, but felt comforted by it. Instead of replying, you rested your head on their shoulders. The two of you began to slowly dance again, and your eyes closed as you swayed with their movements.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

You woke up to the soft sunlight slowly lighting your room and sighed in content. Sunday- no school until tomorrow.

You felt warm inside- it was that dream, wasn't it? But... but what happened in it?

You... you could remember a... forest, was it? There was a big pumpkin, right? And... and you were... what were you doing there, actually?

You groaned. No way you'd forgotten a dream so quickly. And such a good one. Why did this always have to happen?

The clock on your bedside table read 10:04AM. It was probably time to go and be productive for your last day of freedom before the cycle of school started again.

Laughter [Rascal x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon