Part 15

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ALEJANDRO was so sad seeing his daughter cry, "I'm sorry mija if daddy is weak," he sadly say.

"No Dad, its fine," she replied trying to get rid of her tears that was kept flowing.

"Mija believe in yourself that you're the only one who could make Lauren happy."

"But she doesn't feel that I am."

"It's because of the deal, to tell you the truth, I already knew that Lauren loves you for so long," and his daughter look at her so he approached her and seated in the bed, "here," and she put down the box, "this might help," and he look at to his daughter once more, "this remind you that Lauren loves you from a long time now," and he stood, "I leave now," he was ready to leave when he heard his daughter speak.

"Lauren—though she's a woman, she's my true prince and my knight."

"I know, believe me."

"I still want to marry her with or without the deal that's because I love her and she's the only one that I want to spend the rest of my life with."

"I'm glad that you are, make her feel that you truly love her and you want to marry her because I know what stopping Lauren is and that is you don't love her."

"I do love her dad and I will make her feel that," and she stood and wipe her tears away, "I'll stay with her tonight whether she likes it or not."

"Yeah sure, I asked Rob to take you there," and his daughter embrace her.

"Thanks Dad."

"I didn't do anything."

"But still, thank you."

And Alejandro sighed, "you're welcome, good night," and he kiss her daughter's forehead and leave the room.

CAMILA stared at the box until she decided to open it, she widen her eyes after opening the box, it was the things that she broke years ago, glass windows, different kind of vase.

"Lauren you idiot..."

LAUREN was currently repairing the cars that left. After she went to the Cabello's household she went back to the shop to work, it's still her shift and for her to stop thinking of what was happened to the dinner. Then she heard a screech coming from a tire.

"Costumer ey, that's better," and she drop the adjustable wrench in the toolbox.

After a couple of seconds she heard a footstep so she looked back. All the costumers must wait to the customer's lounge before going to the Repair Area so she was now wondering, who is that person that invades the Repair Area without her permission. But she stiffened when she heard that familiar voice.


And Lauren looked back, "what are you doing here?"

And Camila took a step closer to Lauren, "I need you to repair something."

And Lauren sighed, "damn your Audi."

"I know."

"You don't need to go here you can call me so I can repair it, free service."

"Well too late for that, I bring it."

"Really," and she wipe her dirty hands then she asked her, "your key, do you want it now?"

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