Part 8

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"WELL mija, I need to leave now, you want to go home with me?"

Camila shook her head, "gracias Papa but Lauren said she will try to finish repairing my Audi tonight, I need her confirmation first, but you can go Papa, I'm fine here."

"It's up to you," and he called Lauren, "Lauren?"

"Sir..," Lauren look back when she heard her name being called and saw Alejandro approaching her so she wipe her greased hands with clean towel.

And Alejandro sighed hearing Lauren called him Sir again, "I'm leaving, I leave my daughter here on your care, so will you please take care of her?"

And Lauren looked at to Camila then she answered, "okay Sir Ale."

"Thank you," he smiled, then look at to his daughter, "Mija?"

"Bye Papa."

"Behave, just remember you're in the Repair Area, you knew how things works here, don't give Lauren a hassle and don't give her any trouble."

"Yes Papa."

And her father left. They bid goodbye to Alejandro when it left.

"You never said that you know my Papa," Camila opened up when they were alone.

"How would I know? Your Papa told you to behave right and not bother me."

"I can't stay in one place."

And Lauren knows that statement, 'I know,' "well then, get in your car and start it."

"No problem," and she get in to her car, the key is on the ignition so she turn it and the car muffled a sound and after a second it started, "wow my Audi is starting."

"Sshh keep quiet."

And Camila went out, letting the car, the engine on, "is still there any problem?"

"That's why I'm listening to it."

"I see."

"Sshh..," Lauren said, her finger resting on her lips focusing on the engine.

Though its quiet except the roaring engine, Camila let herself stare to Lauren.

'Papa was right you and Shawn are different, Lauren is it wrong if I fell in love with you?'

Lauren don't know what to do, she felt uneasiness, she was not used to it, there is someone who is staring at her but that stare is so near, she then began to noticed that Camila's brown eyes darted on her, when she tilt her head a little to her right and yep she was right, Camila is staring at her, she saw in the corner of her eyes that she was lost in thoughts while looking at her, her brown eyes are shining. She gulped and a blush creep up into her cheeks, it was her first time.

'Why is she staring at me? What did I do to make her stare at me? What is she thinking right now? No, it can't be happening. Lauren don't be delusional,' and she stopped, 'Camzi I love you but not this way, you had a boyfriend and I know you're not comfortable,' "uhh---"

And Camila pulled back into the real world, she met Lauren's beautiful emerald eyes so she look away blushing and her heart made a weird beat. Different from what she felt towards Shawn.

"S-Sorry," she muffled.

"Its okay uhm—do you—want to come with me? I'll do a test drive."

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