Kidnapped and Tortured

Start from the beginning

( there is no readers pov for Darks for obvious reasons)

Eyeless Jack-
~Eyeless Jacks pov~
Hearing the shower running, i only chuckled, " hmm.. now would be a good time to snatch her." licking my lips making my way towards the bathroom before hearing the water turn off. I quickly slipped into a closet standing there in the darkness waiting. The bathroom door opened, she was naked, couldnt bother to put a towel around her form, " .. hmm.. " sighing to myself as i watched her slip into clothing. I slipped from the closet and slammed my fist into the back of her skull, watching her fall backwards and into my awaiting arms. Tossing her over my shoulder and leaving towards my destination.
Arriving at the spot, i strapped her down onto the table, " wake up.... " slapping her face until she wakes. " good now.." slamming my hand around her throat and leaning close, " its time for you to pay, ive been unbearably hungry for you. I think its about time i take what i want after some fun of course." Taking some tools from the tool kit, sliding the blade down her arms. " hmm lets begin." i take ahold of her shirt and tore it off of her, sliding the blade deep into her stomach, " hmm the smell of your blood is so arousing." leaning close and lifting my mask taking the wound into my mouth and began biting harshly onto it, sucking up her blood. " hmm" pulling back and away from her licking the blood from my mouth before lowering my mask down" ... you can scream all you like my dear, there is no one around here for miles..." leaning close i take my mask completely off and sinking my teeth into her flesh tearing into her. Slipping my gloves off before sinking my claws into her flesh right at her kidneys. Slicing it open and popping one of her kidneys out, " hmm.. beautiful" bringing it up and devouring it.

~Readers pov~
its not as bad as i was thinking. dont get me wrong it hurts so fucking badly. Watching what he is doing to my body was sickening, biting into me, drinking my blood like some kind of vampire, now .. now hes eating my kidney. I felt vomit come up and out of me as i forced my head to the side, it hurt moving since it was strapped down," ... kill me..."... " oh no why would i do that, theres still alot of fun i can do with you... " finishing my organ as he patching my wound up watching me drift off into darkness.
( that was terrible sorry)

~Maskys pov~
I smirk, now was the time. I stepped into the womans home, spinning her around to surprise her only to duck as she swung at me. sexy bitch. " yeah not going to happen." tackling the woman down, pinning her, covering her mouth. " its time for you to be taught a lesson." knocking the woman out with a punch to the face. I stood up hurling her over my shoulder and walking out towards my destination.
 Arriving at my location, i tied the woman down into a chair. Sliding my hand lightly onto her skin, tickling her body with soft touches to wake her. " now darling... " lifting her chin, staring into her eyes, " its time to have some fun with this body of yours." i take my weapon, slamming it down hard onto her kneecap, busting it. " now now, scream all you want darling. No one will be able to hear you." slamming it down onto the other kneecap earning more lovely sounds from her. Taking her chin watching tears stream down her rosy cheeks. I smirk at this before sucker punching her hard in the stomach, shattering some of her ribs, " oh yes thats right scream louder baby i dont think i heard you yet!" laughing at this

~Readers pov~
MY GOD what the fuck is wrong with this person. What did i do to deserve such treatment. Im just a normal person. Why do i get to have my kneecaps broken, my ribs shattered. The feeling of his gaze on me only made me sick to my stomach as i turned puking up blood. I felt his boot slam right into my shattered ribs earning more screams of pain. I didnt want to give him what he wants but well there was no stopping the screams. They came erupting from me right and left, my vision was blurry, i couldnt bring myself to stay awake any longer, hell i didnt want to anyways. " ... f... fuck you..." was all i said before passing out.  

Jason the Toymaker-
~Jasons pov~
I step through my blue door and walked over towards her sleeping form, gently lifts her up. Walking back over to the door, i slipped through it with her before making it disappear. Walking to the table, tying her down, " wake up doll your master is here! Dont make me repeat myself NOW!"  Her eyes opened," good now i can begin.... your punishment. " taking my handsaw out sliding it roughly down her arms. A smirk spreads across my face at the sounds of her screams" oh thats just the beginning of your punishment my dear..." licking my lips before taking some wax, slowly pouring it onto her flesh, burning it, watching it mix with her own flesh, " when the time is right you will become my doll, forever!" 

~Readers pov~
Dazed slightly not sure where i am, hearing his voice my eyes snapped open completely, i felt him slice into my arms roughly with his weapon, GOD the pain, it felt like he was taking my arm completely off. Hearing him move around and bring over a small tub, i stared at it wondering what was in it before my eyes widened. The hot feeling of it when it was poured onto me, i felt it form with my own flesh, my screams were even louder then before. Watching him lean in close and say, " when the time is right you will become my doll, forever!" my eyes drifted close, i couldnt keep them open any longer. 

Candy Pop-
~Candy Pops pov~
I stepped out of my realm, walking over to her sleeping form and leaning lose, " wakey wakey sweetheart..." poking her face watching her eyes flutter open, i laughed hard when her eyes widened with fear, " oh thats lovely..." sucker punching her in the face making her dazed as i hurled her over my shoulder, stepping back into my realm. I tossed the woman down, " alright now darling, i think i could...." raising my hammer up and slamming it down onto her legs crushing them, " just do that!" hearing her screams of pain as her legs were broken  in many places, before slamming it down onto her arm, " and that!" then once more onto her other arm, " oh! and that!!" laughing out hard, " thats for calling me a cock monkey!" kicking her hard in the face. I held my head, " no no no no..." " Hmm you sure are a sexy fellow bad Candy doesnt want to fuck you... hmm maybe i will now..." before Night was pried in by me once again, " son of a bitch stay out of this!" yelling out at him.. i slammed my hammer down but not on her, " now i get to enjoy myself even more.." i began to step down onto her broken limbs earning more beautiful cries of pain, fuck they were so arousing to hear. 

~Readers pov~
Feeling someone poke my face was irritating me. I opened my eyes and froze in fear, before being sucker punched in my face leaving me in a daze unable to move properly at the moment. I was tossed down and before long a loud scream of pain was erupting from me at my legs being crushed. Then my arms. Hearing him scream at me for the name i called him before his boot came flying smacking me hard in the face. Dazed once more, hearing him talk to himself before a different voice was heard, i tried to focus, managing to do so after some time. I eyed this being, he was different looking purple skin.... the same being from before... a perverted freak. Before this... Candy guy came back taking control once more... i didnt have enough time to take it all in before i was crying out in pain once more, feeling him step on my broken limbs.. i couldnt take much more as i passed out. 

( alright!! i know some of some are short and crappy and im very sorry for that i have major writers block but im trying dearies.. alright.. now... i hope you enjoyed these last updates and ill try more later )

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