He was close up and I rammed the dagger into his stomach. I pulled it back out and blood was all over the blade. The ninja still came towards me and I held the dagger up. "Stay back." I said and the ninja refused. "I don't want to kill you. You're a person that works for Jin. Jin is only using you to get what he wants." I said as I felt my voice shake.

"Listen to me. You're injured and you're bleeding. I can help you. Jin won't, he's using you." I said again and the ninja shook their head. I put the dagger down on the floor. "See? I'm not going to hurt you, but only going to ask you one thing. You already know I'm the princess of Urina right?" I asked and they shook their head again.

"No? I told you, Jin is only using you. But, help me become the princess and take down Jin. I'll help you as well. You can help me too." I said and the ninja's eyes narrowed. They took off their mask and I smiled. "I'll... I'll help you... I'm tired of always under the command of Jin." He said and I nodded. "Right now you're injured..." I said as I picked up the dagger from the floor.

He had bright silver eyes, his skin was light and he had a small scar on his temple. "Stay here." I commanded as I ran back to the others. The ninjas were already down and Malin was injured on his arm and Riko and Hiro were standing next to Yane. I looked to Cyan and he was down on the ground and Kai was gone. I ran to Cyan. "Are you okay?!" I said as I helped Cyan up.

"Kai... Got away..." He whispered. Cyan was bleeding from his stomach and his leg and I gasped. Mouth began dripping from the corner of his mouth and I shook my head. "You're about to die and you worry about Kai? He can screw himself, let's get you to a doctor!" I said as I help him up and Malin came over to help me. Malin put Cyan on his horse and I went up to Cyan's horse. Today is the day I'm going to learn how to ride a horse without anyone's help.

I had a struggle getting on, but I did manage to get on. Everyone was was starting to go and I took a deep breath. "I can do this." I said to myself and I slapped the reins of the horse. The horse neighed as it began galloping. I steered it towards the others and I smiled. I'm doing it! We got into the Blue Dragon district and we rode up to the nearest Doctor's Hospital.

I got down first and ran to the door and opened it. The doctor from his desk looked up. He was a short bald man with wrinkles on his face and glasses that rested at the tip of his nose. "It's an emergency!" I yelled as the others brought Cyan in. "Oh my! Bring him to this room." The short doctor went to a room and opened the door. My shoulder began hurting from all the pressure I put against it today and I leaned against the wall as I watched them put Cyan into the room.

I began getting dizzy. Water... I need water. I looked around for water. "Nissa? You okay?" Malin asked as he walked out of the room. I shook my head as I felt a terrible migraine overtake my head and I put a hand on my head. "Water..." I whispered and Malin nodded. He ran to the doctor and then ran back out and down a hallway and came back with a cup of water. I took the cup from his hands and gulped it down. "You've been running around too much." Malin said.

I shrugged my shoulders as I put the empty cup down on a table. "You're injured too." I said to Malin as I touched his arm that was wrapped with a blood soaked bandage. I could tell it used to be white, but now it's brown and red. He flinched at my touch and then smiled. "Don't worry about me. I think we all know I'll heal. It's just Cyan we are all worried about." He said and I nodded.

"We are going to have to stitch him up. It's going to take hours, just wait. My other assistants will check you out." The doctor said as three assistants followed him into the room and closed the door behind. I sighed as two other assistants came up to us. I followed one and Malin followed the other. I was taken into a small room and I sat down on a bed. The assistant sat on a chair, "Let me check your shoulder. You have to remove half of your shirt so I can really check your shoulder." The assistant was a woman with brown hair and brown eyes, she has her hair back in a low bun and she seemed very exhausted.

I nodded as I pulled my arm out of the sleeve and pulled my shirt over my head and let the shirt rest on my other shoulder. The bandage was already taken off and was on the floor and she touched my arm gently as she took a look at it. "It seems to be healing, but you didn't disinfect it. It is slowly growing an infection." She said as she got up and went to a cabinet. She took out a bottle of liquid and put a drop of liquid on a small napkin.

She dabbed my shoulder and I flinched as the wound began burning. "We also have to stitch it up a little."

After I was done, Malin came out as well and smiled at me. I was a little drowsy because of the medication, but I was fine. I was just worried about Cyan, I hope he's fine.

Hours passed and the doctor came out of the room. "His name is Cyan right?" He asked and we all nodded.

"How is he?" Yane asked.

"Is he okay?" Malin asked.

"He's going to be alright, right?" I said.

The doctor took a deep breath. "Well, Cyan is..."

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