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Minnie took the us through the floo system in her office to the ministry, and Snape took the boys. One of Minnie's friends was going to wed us. Snape has come earlier today to set it up and it was perfect.
There were two walk ways, one for mione and Draco and one for me and Z. With Minnie's friend in the middle. Snape took both our arms to walk us down as Minnie looked like she was going to cry.
The boys had there jaw hanging down and love in their eyes. Then Snape gave us away and sat with Minnie in the bench behind us.
"Your perfectly your gorgeous self Red." Z whispers to me. I smile. The guy starts talking. About 2 minutes later he tells the guys to drop 2 drops of blood on a piece of parchment. (Its a ceremony at wizard weddings to take an ancestry charm to see if you are really who you said) Z's is normal.

Blaise Nova Zabini

Elizabeth Zabini (Dead)
Blake Zabini (Dead)

Narcissa Malfoy
Severus Snape

After about 2 more minutes of him talking, he tells me and mione to drop 2 drops of blood on a piece of parchment. We do, and our results aren't at all what we expected.

Ginervra Solar Malfoy

Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy

Minerva McGonagal
Severus Snape

Adopted name:
Ginervra Molly Weasley

Adopted parents:
Molly Weasley
Arthur Weasley


Hello wonderful people! Hope you liked and sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger. What's your hogwarts house??? Like seriously reader please comment if you like this story! I will try to update more. Hope you have or had a amazing day!

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