The Secret

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It was quiet when Peter entered the living room on the Avengers floor of the tower. A bit too quiet for it to be normal. He threw his backpack on the couch and proceed to check each room to see if there was anybody on the floor. He checked all of the bedrooms. No luck. All of the bathrooms. Nothing. He checked closets, vent, cupboards. Nobody. Peter found this very odd and proceeded to pull his phone out and call Tony.

"Hey kiddo what's up?"

"Hey Mr. Stark, where are you?"

"Oh my god Pete I'm so sorry did I forget something, or someone, what happened??" Tony said, sounding very panicked.

"It's ok Mr Stark don't worry!" Peter said hurriedly, "It was just really quiet and I thought something might be wrong."

"Oh ok then, no we just have a press conference but Steve and Bucky should be there somewhere."

"Ok Mr. Stark bye!"

"Bye Pete!"

Peter thought of all the places in the floor he hadn't checked, and realized there were none.

"FRIDAY, where are Steve and Bucky?"

"They are in training room 6."

"Thank you!"

He ran over to the elevator and pressed the button for the 85th floor. He walked out of the elevator to hear music coming from down the hall. Peter didn't recognize the tune which was weird considering he seemed to know every song that played on the radio no matter the channel. He decided that he was going to sneak up and then scare them so he jumped up to the ceiling and crawled over towards the sound of the music.

What he saw through the glass wall of the training room was definitely not what he expected to see. While soft, classical music played in the background, Bucky and Steve slowly waltzed around the room, smiles on their faces. Well at least Steve's. Peter couldn't see bucky's face due to the fact that it was squished in to Steve's chest. Pete's face broke into a grin. He had been suspecting something like this for awhile now but didn't want to say anything because Peter is just too polite. He was just starting to crawl away when his phone rang and he fell off the ceiling with a large CRASH! The two dancing super soldiers looked up to see a sheepish looking Peter sprawled out on the floor of the hallway, taking photos of them together to show Ned.

"Shit!" Bucky exclaimed, "He's the worst at keeping secrets. Now they'll all know!"

"I mean they were gonna find out eventually, right Buck?

"That's true. We should probably go check on him, he looks a little dizzy."

——————————————————-Time Skip—————————————————---

When the team sat down for dinner that night, Peter wanted more than anything to tell somebody what he saw but back in the hall where Bucky and Steve had found him, close to a concussion, Bucky had leaned over and whispered in Peter's ear that if he said anything about what he had just seen, he would disassemble Peter's LEGO Death Star piece by piece. Peter decided to just drop hints about it though because well, Bucky never said he couldn't do that, right?

"So, do you guys believe in soulmates?" siad Peter nonchalantly. Bucky immediately kicked him in the shin from across the table and Peter just gave him an innocent grin.

"Yeah I think I do," said Clint.

"No, I don't think so." said Tony.

"What are these mates of the Soul you speak of, young spider?" bellowed Thor.

"Oh well Mister Thor, it means that you believe that there is one specific person that is perfect for you out there and fate will lead you to them," said Peter

——————————————————-Time Skip—————————————————---

Throughout the week, Peter continued to drop hints and ask seemingly random questions to annoy Steve and Bucky. This pissed them off to no end and by the next Saturday, they were ready to confess.

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