Sludge Freak

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~Previously on Robin Hood~

"Don't worry. I'm just going to take over your body and kill your friend over there. It'll only hurt for about 45 seconds," the sludge villain told, "You'll feel better soon." Izuku tried and failed to grab the sludge away from his face so that he could breathe, "You can't grab me. I'm fluid! Thanks for your help. You're my hero."

Seeing that the villain was still focused on Izuku, Artemis went grab something from her pocket when suddenly a manhole cover flew upwards and the villain turned around to see what was going on. His eyes widen in shock, Artemis turned her head to see a familiar face, "It's all right now. I am here!" All Might appeared, the sludge villain swung at All Might who ducked down before charging at the villain, "Texas Smash!" All Might yelled, swinging a punch toward the villain as a huge gust of wind flew toward the villain.

"Wind pressure...?!" the villain yelled as the wind blew him apart, releasing Izuku who went unconscious, from the villain's grasp and Artemis started coughing while greedily filling her lungs with air.

A nasty bruise started to form around Artemis's neck, "Are you all right, miss?" All Might asked as he held out his large hand for her to take.

"*Coughs* Than- *Coughs* Thank you," Artemis hoarsely thanked her savior, taking the offered hand she staggered to a stand as All Might helped Artemis find her balance. Her eyes landed on Izuku's unconscious form, "I-Izu!" her voice cracked when she yelled, aggravating her throat as she left All Might's side and ran to Izuku. She fell to her knees when she was neared Izuku's side as she checked to see if he was still alive. Artemis checked for a pulse on Izuku's neck and felt a strong pulse under her fingertips, releasing a sigh of relief that Izuku was alive.

All Might noticed a burnt notebook on the floor. He picked up the burnt notebook, flipping through the pages while Artemis was busy checking to see if Izuku sustained any hidden injuries. The Pro Hero signed it with a black sharpie, closing the notebook and placing back on the ground before grabbing an empty bottle off the ground to collect the scattered pieces of the sludge villain. Finding no hidden injuries, Artemis turned her attention to All Might who was busy collecting the scattered pieces of the villain. Seeing that the hero missed a piece, Artemis stood up, approaching the Pro Hero and gently took the bottle out of his hands, "Miss-" he was about to protest when he saw Artemis scoop up the last scattered piece of the sludge villain and put him inside the bottle.

Tightening the lid, Artemis gave the bottle with the sludge villain inside back to All Might, "Here you go," her throat still hurts from being strangled earlier, but she ignored the discomfort.

"Thank you, Miss! Let's go wake up your friend over there!" All Might told as he lightly slaps Izuku's cheek repeatedly. "Hey! Hey! He—Oh, good!" All might stopped slapping the green haired boy's cheek when he saw that Izuku was regaining consciousness. Izuku opened his eyes and screeched from seeing his number one hero, All Might, "I'm glad you're okay! Sorry 'bout getting you two caught up in my villain fighting. I don't usually make mistakes like this, but I was in high spirits in my day off in a new place," All Might apologized as Izuku was fanboying while Artemis crossed her arms over her chest and leaning on one leg, she seemed relax in the hero's presence. But in reality she was warily eyeing the Pro Hero because she had a few run ins with All Might as Robin Hood, he has tried to capture her before but she manages to escape, plus there were a few close calls that she almost did get capture, "But you two were a big help, thanks! I captured him safely!"

"Oh, right! An a-autograph! Where should I--?" Izuku searched frantically for something to get an autograph from All Might as his green eyes landed on his brunt notebook, "In that notebook-" Opening the burnt notebook, Izuku saw that All Might already signed his notebook, "He already did!" he exclaimed before bowing multiple times in gratitude at All Might, "Thank you very much! It'll be an heirloom! A family treasure!"

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