1 - Numb

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That's the only thing you can allow yourself to feel. Numb

Can you even call the absence of feeling a feeling?


A silent curse utters across your lips, chastising yourself for the attempt at being 'philosophical'.

'It doesn't matter. Nothing I think matters.' you say to yourself, 'It never has.'

I don't even know who or where I am. I haven't known since... who knows when.

A skittish breath escapes your lungs as your thoughts wander past your range of control.

It's been so long since I have known anything. Since I've felt ANYTHING. It's been so long since... since...

As your mind tips over the edge, your heart begins to speed up and your lungs act as if there is no longer any air in the world to breathe.

You can sense that your body began to run in an attempt to outpace your mind's descent, but like a glass pushed over a table, succumbing to gravity, the crash is inevitable.


A series of faces you once knew swarm through your vision, and suddenly you are overwhelmed, falling prey to their discontent, their anger, their hatred.



"I always knew you would do something like this."


"Worthless child"


"Do you honestly think I care about what happens to you?"


"We are better off with you gone. GET OUT"



Control nears your grasp once again.

I don't want to think about that. Not right now...not ever.

You squeeze your eyes tightly shut and shake your head as if to scatter away the remains of unwanted thoughts. You continue the tensing motion until the blood in your skull starts to burn behind your eyes.

When you open your eyes again, the world around you is dark and blurry. Back to nothing.

You wait a moment for your blood to settle before attempting to process anything. As your vision returns, so do your other senses.

It's dark, and I am sitting...no, laying down somewhere.

The silhouette of dense trees can be made out through the cascading moonlight, but past that echoes the vast nothingness.


I can smell the earthiness of the forest, the hallowed grass, and towering pines.


It's damp., but not the kind of damp after a rain. The kind of dampness that envelopes the world with the memory of night before the dawn.

You breathe in once more and stretch your hands outwards, clutching into the earth below you.

A shivers runs through your fingertips reverberating into your core.

And it's cold.

Heh... well, at least I can feel that.

You turn to your side and begin to prop yourself up, when, as if on que, you feel an embrace from behind. Your body instantly warms from the touch. You look behind you only to once again be greeted by that solemn, starry face. You turn the remainder of your body towards her, and she pulls you back towards the earth. She cradles your head in the pit of her arms as the rest of her body envelopes you in that warm embrace.

You begin to drift.

The numbness fades ever so slightly to give way to something soft. You don't know what it is, but you are thankful for it. Thankful for her.

Your Supernova.

Trailing by Stardust: Jjba x readerWhere stories live. Discover now