Chapter two, fun day

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Jessie Green

       The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes, wait were did those come from? Where did they find those? I was cold, Emerson was gone, there was a blanket on me. I smiled, got up and walked to the kitchen. Emerson was, as always drawing, Remington was outside playing with my dog Ajax and Sebastian was making beautiful piles of pancakes with whipped cream, berry's and icing sugar on top of plates for all of us, he looked up and smiled at me.

"good morning Jess I made breakfast, I hope that's okay" I nodded slightly and he walked over to Emerson before replacing his book and pencil with a plate and fork.

"Hey! Seb" he whined


       Emerson mumbled something incoherent and took a bite, calming down.

"hey Jess can you get Remington for me?" Sebastian asked as he got back to work on the food.

       I nodded and walked over to the back door. I walked outside and smiled when I saw Remington and Ajax running around and playing together. When Ajax saw me he came running I giggled and sat down to pet him.

"hi buddy! I see you've met Remington" Remington came over and sat cross legged beside Ajax and I

"Remington this is Ajax, Ajax this is Remington " I said and he giggled then pet Ajax

"foods done let's go eat" I said and we got up, brushing our paints off then going inside.

"wash your hands then grab a plate" Sebastian said when he spotted us.

" 'wash your hands then grab a plate' god you sound like mom" Remington mimicked and threw Emerson's pencil at him.

"hey!" Remington giggles and Seb glared at his younger brothers antics.

       Remington and I washed our hands then grabbed our plates and sat down. I reluctantly took a bite of my pancakes, causing Emerson to glance at me worriedly, I forced a smile and took another bite. We ate in silence, when I was half way done I got up and and anouced that I was going to my room if they needed me, I put my plate at the sink and went back to my room.

       I pulled out my paint and stuff then continued my painting after putting on some music. I drowned myself in my work and I didn't notice when Emerson came in and sat down. He cleared his throat and I looked up.

"have you ever heard of knocking?" I asked annoyed.

"I did"


"why are you in here?"

"why didn't you eat?" He questioned almost immediately

"I did"

"not much"

"why do you care I clearly recall you not being to pleased to be here yesterday. What changed?" still annoyed I shot at him.

"I don't know" he said quietly, I rolled my eyes "okay, okay I'm worried about you, why didn't you eat much?" He continued, reaching for my hand but I pulled away from him.

"I'm fine and you don't need to know it's none of your business" I answered

"I'm  just trying to help" he mumbled

"I don't want your help and I don't need it"

"I know something is wrong, your all happy one second but the moment food gets placed in front of you, you get upset"

"fine" I sighed "I don't eat because I'm .....I'm....... nevermind I don't eat because I don't eat okay!" He was silent, I was looking down at my hand holding a paint brush when I felt him get up and hug me.

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