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Renjun didn't stop to look back as Jaemin reached a trembling hand toward his book bag, struggling to get the zipper open. His sweaty hands grasped the bottle containing all his different anxiety pills, trying desperately to get it open. The cap popped off, at least a dozen capsules varying in size and color spilling into his palm. Not stopping to think, Jaemin shoved them all into his mouth, tears still flowing freely from his eyes.


Renjun ran down the hallway, sleeve coming up to his face to wipe away the tears. He was such an idiot. He made Jaemin cry. God, why couldn't he do anything right? Jaemin will never talk to him again, he-

"Oomph!" Renjun let out a grunt of pain as he tumbled to the ground, the boy he ran into barely avoiding falling on top of him.

"Oh my God, Injunnie! Are you okay?" A taller boy stared down at Renjun, eyes wide.
Renjun hardly registered the fact that the question was asked in Mandarin.

As he binked the dizziness away, his vision cleared, revealing his older brother above him. He quickly sat up. "Oh, Sicheng-ge! I'm so sorry for running into you, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going...what?"

Sicheng's eyebrows had furrowed, and he was looking at Renjun's face scrutinizingly. "Were you crying? What's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Who do I need to hunt down?" His protective older brother side jumped out at the sight of Renjun's tear stained face.

Renjun wouldn't meet Sicheng's eyes. "No one. It doesn't matter."

Sicheng frowned at the obvious lie. "Injunnie, if something's bothering you, you can tell me."

Renjun sighed, giving into his brother's coaxing. "I...I like this boy. His name's Jaemin. I think he has some anxiety issues or something. I really want to help him, but I'm scared to get too close. He-he has a boyfriend. And, I might like his boyfriend too...?" He finished his small rant quietly.

Sicheng just smiled and put an arm around Renjun shoulder. "Injunnie, have you heard of polyamorous relationships?" When Renjun shook his head, he continued, "It's when multiple people all love each other and are in a healthy relationship together. Now, I don't know where the boys that you like stand on this, but I think you should at least talk to them about it. You deserve to be happy."

A small smile broke out across the younger's face. "Thanks, Sicheng-ge!" Renjun stood up, brushing off his pants. "I think I'm going to go talk with Jaemin. I feel kind of bad for just leaving him there...alright, see ya later!" He waved to Sicheng as he quickly hurried back the way he came.

Pausing for a second to look back at his older brother, he added, "And you deserve to be happy, too! Don't be too shy with Yuta! You obviously like him!"

Sicheng's face turned bright red at the mention of the boy who had asked him out, and sputtered, "Don't you have a boyfriend to get?"

Renjun just laughed at his brother's embarrassment and continued down the hallway. After reaching the door that leads into the room where he left Jaemin, Renjun paused. Maybe this wasn't the best time to talk with Jaemin about their relationship. He was clearly unstable. But Renjun couldn't hear any crying from inside the room, so maybe Jaemin had calmed down. Taking a deep breath, Renjun pushed open the door before he could chicken out. 

"Jaemin, I-" His voice cut out as he took in the sight before him.

NoRenMin ~ Jealously (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now