Ben Hardy X Reader

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Christmas eve 20:00

We sat in bed watching my stomach move while watching borhap. I felt a tiny bit of pain but thought it was probably a braxton-nick contraction but boi would I be wrong.

Christmas eve 22:00

We went to sleep but I still felt like something was wrong. I don't tell Ben as he would freak out and take us to the hospital and make us look like complete idiots.

Christmas day 00:00

I woke up to ben shaking me telling me to get up cause we're going to hospital. The Bed felt wet and I started to panic.

Christmas day 3:00

We finally had our baby girl. Lucy (y/m/n) Hardy weighing in at 8 pounds. She has Ben's eyes and nose. Another thing to celebrate on this day every year.

A/n wow this was very good to write. But at least I got some new knowledge out of it

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