Richard Madden x reader

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(Your POV)

I was walking back to my appartment from my stinking job in my stinking city. When I arrived, I saw something out of the ordinary. Something or someone that I have admired for years. Richard Madden was sitting on my sofa...

So casually. I asked him why he was here. He said that the front door was left unlocked. I knew I forgot to do something this morning! I made him a cup of tea and sat down. I asked him questions, like WhY aRe YoU hErE!?!?!

He said I was one of the few who got picked to go live with him. I felt like my life just got a million times better!

                        Time skip

He said that we would have to go if we wanted to get there early. We got in his Land Rover and drove to the air port
I found out that he got two tickets earlier that week. So it was definitely not a dream. He clicked his fingers in front of me to bring me back to reality. Which worked. Turns out we had to go on the plane now.

When we were on the plane, we found our seats and sat down. I started to wonder what lead me to the situation I'm in.

After a few hours, I didn't find out but we got to our destination, England. Richard asked if he wanted to get my bag for me. I said of course you can! He went to go and get my bag while I waited for him. 

He seems nice... I thought to myself.

Richard came back with my bag and I followed him outside. We got a taxi and we got into a conversation about Rocketman, and why Freddie Mercury is better than Elton John. We were really enjoying ourselves.

(Richard's POV)

As she was explaining why Freddie Mercury was better than Elton John, I could not help but stare into her deep (y/e/c) eyes. They took me into a whole other dimension that I could not escape from. Then I realised, I was in love for the first time and this time I know its for real.

I was brought back to reality by (y/n) clicking her fingers in front of me. It worked just as I did to her. 

I leaned in close to her...

(Your POV)

As he was leaning in close to me, I felt myself leaning in close to him and before we both knew it, our lips were touching each others and I felt like I have done this before. 

Suddenly, I felt myself being woke up by a figure pepper kissing my face. I opened my eyes to find a pair of icy blue eyes staring straight back at me. I realised it was him. The man I married exactly a year ago. It was a memory dream, I was having a flashback to when I met my husband...

my prince charming...Richard Madden.


Hoi hoi! OK that was interesting...    

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