Chapter Eight

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Ro had been on land for a week now and she more or less knew her way around the east wing of the castle, which was where she was based. She was now a housemaid at the bottom of the pile, but still she found joy in her new assignment. She was fed three times a day, treated well and even had a small salary, which she was looking forward to at the end of the month. Every morning she was given a list of duties by Mrs Bennett, and conscientiously worked to complete them all, which usually ended in extra chores considering she was so efficient and never dared to slack. Idleness would have been the difference between being fed or not on the pirate ship. Mrs Bennett was quite strict and did not tolerate tardiness – Ro was expected to be up and ready at sunrise everyday otherwise she would get a black mark against her name, which she certainly did not want.

She was getting used to being on land, although the feeling was mightily strange. She found it odd having so much space to roam and get lost in, and no extra sway to her steps. It was especially weird to have to sleep in a bed, not a swaying hammock which usually lulled her off to sleep. Every person in the castle, habitant or servant, was so posh and well mannered; she felt positively barbaric sometimes compared to them. Everyone was just incredibly polite and formal, and confusingly there was a list longer then Ro's arm on the correct mannerisms she was expected to display. She had embarrassed herself a number of times much to the annoyance of Mrs Bennett, who wondered where on earth this incompetent girl had come from and why the King insisted on her employment. One thing Ro was always getting mixed up on was the linens – who knew that the right colour and material mattered so much! Ro did not think she had ever seen such luxurious, silky material before, and it was only for people to sleep in!

Ro was gradually learning though, with the help of Mrs Bennett and her roommate Viola.

Ro definitely felt the part of a Royal maid when she received her uniform, and a plain Sunday dress considering every maid had the morning off to attend church. She was very well looked after, and grateful to Theodosius and his parents for their warm hospitality. She had seen him a few times during the week, although he did not seem to be in a very talkative mood, and she was very busy trying to set a good impression so she did not push an interaction. She did wonder whether any friendship they had was over since she was not the girl he wished her to be, but Mrs Bennett told her this would be a good thing, as rumours fly around the castle faster then lice in a class of children, and she will get a bad reputation, which Ro certainly did not want. Although this saddened her and she missed the talks and inspiring stories Theo always told her, Ro knew she did not really have a choice. Nobility and common folk just were not supposed to mix.

Her roommate Viola had a loud and bubbly personality, and could talk for Yemini. She even talked while she ate, which Ro found mildly disgusting. Ro could hardly get a word in edgeways, but she did not mind this, as she preferred to listen and learn rather then talk about herself. She had a lot to catch up on! Viola's favourite thing to do was gossip – somehow she knew everything about everyone, even very personal details Ro felt she should not be telling others. Even so, she was a nice girl and looked after Ro under Mrs Bennett's command.

Ro was halfway through her list of chores for the day, currently scrubbing the ballroom floor with Viola who was gossiping about Dionne, a girl who came up in numerous conversations. Viola really did not like her, and from the sounds of it, Dionne was not a very pleasant person. However, there did seem to be an unspoken rivalry between the girls, which perhaps made Viola speak more negatively about her then she realised. At one point they were friends and roommates, and even started at the castle on the same day, but it all turned quite nasty when they realised they were up against each other for a promotion. Apparently Dionne cheated as she knew she could not beat Viola fairly, and traded her body for the raise with the Head Butler, who put in a good word for her with the Head of the Estate, meaning Dionne was now above all of the maids and Mrs Bennett's second. This news shocked and horrified Ro.

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