
181 19 17

Once upon a time,
She looked resplendent in her rich emerald attire

The sweet chirrupings would emanate from her depths
Colourful blossomed jewels adorned her neck

Her sweet scent and soft breeze would liven up the atmosphere
The clouds drenched her auburn tresses while sunbeams danced merrily on her face

Sometimes she'd gently chide the creatures who would swing, run and jump all day
Yet she loved them all immensely and they loved her back too

However Man was different
He began to uproot, kill, hunt and slay

She thundered violently
Her fury knew no bounds but so did Man's greed

And so the war started
Over the years she weakened

Lost was her freshness, glow and shine
All that was left was dust, smoke and grime

Poetry- Unsaid words from my heart to yoursWhere stories live. Discover now