the pleasure of words

14 3 3

I was often made fun of for loving words. I thought the world of them. How one word could describe this insensible feeling I couldn't touch on... until this word perfectly described it.

A word for a word. You can trade words, play with words, hate a word, love a word. Words give the world a meaning, words can derive something of meaning. It can transform you, change you, swiftly from the light or the dark by just one, small, simple word.

The pleasure for a word can be negotiated in many ways. It can destroy someone, it could uplift someone. And the tone of a word, don't get me started on that! How you express a word can say much of the meaning.

There I go, rambling on and on, about words. I can see why I am often made fun of it.

But know this. Choose your words carefully. Choose your tone carefully. The way you express your feelings with this attrocuous


sorry, this one was a bit late. i was actually all done, i forgot to press publish 😓

be careful.

11. 4. 19

- alix remn

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