chapter 2

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I sat in my bed, staring sadly at the wall. I hadn't a slight clue what I was going to do now. Getting out of town WAS the big plan. And I saved for years just to get myself here in this really shitty rental house in a tiny, financially unstable town. I had no other ideas. Even if I wanted to set up another round of security cameras to catch my stalker in the act, I couldn't afford it. Every other one I'd tried to catch my stalker with had been stolen, destroyed, or the footage would come out distorted for unknown reasons. He really did watch my every move, somehow. Without anyone ever noticing. If he had never began to taunt me with his boxes of photos and other uncomfortable, saddening things, I may have never noticed myself. But he wanted me to know.

To everyone else back where I used to live I looked hysteric, attention seeking, and crazy. There was only one person who had ever believed in me and saw the unnerving things that had happened to me before I left. Knowing what had happened to him made me feel as if I had to handle this on my own. If it wasn't the police, I wouldn't confide in any other human being ever again. But even the authorities were mostly a lost cause and I had lost hope in them ever believing in my case or being of any help. I felt guilty for dragging anyone into this mess. And everyone in my home town had made a mockery of me for ever speaking out about my stalker. Leaving seemed like the only option there was.

Yet it couldn't be an option now. I have a lease for another six months, I have no job to save for another place to live, and I have no working car to move my things or even myself out of this town. Being trapped all over again was a different type of pain. It made me anxious to my core, but more so than that, angry. So angry.

I have friends that may let me stay with them for a couple of days, but I couldn't stay there for long before H would become suspicious that I'd told them anything. Even if I hadn't. I wouldn't want anyone else to end up in the cross fire. I'd have to stay here until I could either gather enough evidence on what is going on and report it to the local police, or until I could finally get some money to get myself on the road again. So I suppose I had to try both.

I find myself creeping down the stairs and back towards the kitchen. The box is still where I had left it earlier. Just it's presence was enough to cause me discomfort, but I try to push the fear in me aside and step closer to the creepy 'gift'. Feeling clever for once in my life, I pick out a few of the photos from the box. Ones that stuck out more than others just from how close my stalker would get to me without my knowledge. I don't choose very many in hopes that he wouldn't know that any are missing from the box. He'll come back for these, knowing I've turned some of his pictures into the authorities before. So I'll play dumb for him for now, until I think I can find an upper hand.

I open a drawer closer to my sink and grab a plastic sandwich baggy. Leaving the drawer open, I move to place the photos of me inside the little baggy. I seal the bag and begin a search for duck tape I know was hiding somewhere around here. I had like 3 junk drawers. Luckily I find the tape quickly and I pull two long strips from the roll, ripping them off with my teeth. Next I use the tape to fasten the bag of photos under the drawer I had left open. After closing the drawer I decide to make it look like I intended to use everything he'd given me today as evidence. If he comes back, he'll take the box not knowing I had a second stash better hidden. I had to think of something else. I didn't know what to do with the rest of the evidence now. Do I leave it here? should I try to hide it?

Frustrated, I put my hands over my face and huff before rubbing my eyes and dropping my hands to my sides. Exhaustion was pulling at my eyelids and hindering my focus. I felt heavy and slower now but I had to finish figuring this out before I could peacefully sleep. If it could be peaceful at all, that is. My legs begin to move before my mind fully comprehends and I start to pace the kitchen nervously. If I were a smart person what would I do to pretend to be dumb? Cue the cricket noises inside my empty as fuck head.

I decide to do something I had done before a long time ago. Taking the box, I walk to the coat closet in my living room. Then I open the door and set the box on the shelf above my hanging clothing. Last time it was my bedroom closet, but I think now that might make it harder for me to sleep. So this would have to do for now. I could change it in the morning if I really wanted to.

Now feeling at least a little satisfied about my situation, I drag my tired body up the stairs to my bedroom. Once I make it about a foot away, I flop onto the bed. Face first into the covers, a dramatic groan escapes my mouth. I try to think of calming things. Anything peaceful at all. Curious, I pick up my phone and turn on the screen. 11:46. Not even a bad time to sleep.

My jaw practically falls off my head as I open my mouth to yawn. As my arm stretches out I set my phone back onto the bedside table. At this point I was too exhausted to move ever again. But I still knew sleep was going to be a little bit of a struggle. I try to wiggle myself into a comfy position on my bed and I close my eyes.

Various thoughts went through my head but I tried heavily to keep ones about my situation at bay. In my head, I count sheep, I talk to imaginary animals who know English, I imagine how my dream home will look. As I kept my headspace further away from all of my stress, my mind began to slow down and allow me to start drifting off.

A/N: OKAY I'm done with this chapter, feel free to comment on grammar or spelling mistakes so I can come back n fix them faster! :)

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