Chapter 3

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My eyes slowly open as I feel contact against my cheek and a sudden icy blow over my body. I almost have a heart attack when I realize my blankets are gone and someone is standing beside the bed. My body jerks away instantly, terrified and confused. I look around the room and see the window open. The person lays a hand onto my head while I'm looking away. Shocked, I turn my head back to them. My eyes were too tired and blurred to even see any details of this person's face. I am picked up by the unidentified person at the hips. I wanted to say something or yell, but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to even fight back. They slung me over their shoulder and carried me through my house. Down the stairs and into the living room where I feared the door might be open. It is. As well as the big window behind my couch.

I finally scream, my voice propelling an atrocious sound. The person smacked my hip and told me to be quiet. A gravely and horrendous voice. I'd always imagined HS to sound like this. Dark and scary. I imagined him with a creepy smile and groping hands. And there he is, exactly who I thought he was.

He drops me onto the floor, where I simply let my body slump down. I couldn't control my body as well as I'd desperately needed to. I felt like a pile of Jell-O. But still, I tried to get away. My hands clawed the floor and I frantically tried to drag myself away from the feet of my stalker. Even if my attempts were weak and slow.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You never learn." He says in an evil tone.

I scream again and kick my legs. "Wake up! Wake up!" I frantically think to myself, unable to form words. The man catches my left ankle in his hand and rips me back toward him. I cry uncontrollably now, hearing duck tape be pulled from a roll immediately after my leg is released. Determined, I try clawing myself away again. Of course I fail once again. Having my ankle harshly grabbed and my body pulled back to the man for the second time. He traps both of my legs beneath his, then begins taking my arms from me to secure them together with the tape. I wiggle, desperate to pull my arms from behind me, but he had already trapped my wrists together. Next he pulls my hair and tapes my mouth, muffling my screams and causing me to violently squirm.

"You can't get away." The man says. "You'll never get away."

My eyes snap open and I launch myself into sitting position. Where I find nobody. Just my simple room, with just me in sight. My blankets bunched up at my feet. This is almost how my dream went, except the burly man isn't stood beside me.

The window is open, but I don't remember it to be unlocked. Shivers run all throughout my body. He probably came to see if I complied with his demands. I turn to grab my phone from the bedside table when I see a small reflection of light that I know wasn't supposed to be there. I pick it up to find the necklace, no longer on the tiny pillow for it, sat neatly beside my phone. Scared of the item, I set it quickly back down. I don't want it.

Now feeling uneasy, I got out of bed to go and check the rooms of the house. Maybe he was here. Maybe I could catch him. I tightly grip onto my phone to use as a flashlight. When I touch the screen to activate the light the time read 2:56 AM. I shiver. He could be down stairs and I needed to make sure he wasn't. But first, I close and lock the open window.

I leave my bedroom light off as I walk out of the room and towards the other room across the hall. After finding nobody I tiptoe down the stairs. When I walk into the kitchen and flick on the light, I nearly screech out. Another box sat on the counter, it is red with black trimming and very large. This is no ordinary cardboard box. It's a box lined with nice silk fabric on the outside and a fancy gold latch. There is a note on top waiting for me. I set down my phone on the counter to pick it up.

I'd appreciate if you'd wear your pretty necklace. I asked you to wear it. Even though you decided to be bad, here is another gift for you my sweet. Enjoy. Xoxo

I groan heavily, wishing I could catch a break. But I take a big deep breath and try my best to calm down. My heart would probably explode soon if I didn't let myself settle a bit. To try and focus, I close my eyes and rub my temples. Mumbling to myself, "everything will be okay. Everything will be okay." I needed to finish my search. Last time he was still here. So I pick my phone up again and try to shine the light into the living room through the half wall that divides the rooms. So far, still nobody.

Leaving the box and note where it was, I tiptoe from the small kitchen to the living room. My eyes flick to the closed front door with relief, but I still decided to check it. Unlocked. Of course, why would it still be locked? My fingers pinch onto the little doorknob lock and turn it back where it belongs. The deadbolt is next.

After locking up I turn around to check the bathroom when I realize the coat closet isn't fully closed. Without any hesitation, I rip open that door. Inside I find the previous box missing. Of course. Curious, I head back to the kitchen to see if the photos I hid better were still there. Frantic and angry, I open up the drawer so fast it slammed at the end of it's track. Thankfully I could still feel the plastic bag and the pictures under there. I sigh and close the drawer a lot calmer than I'd opened it.

Lastly I walk into the bathroom which is also empty. I'm not sure I wanted to find what I was looking for, or if I was relieved that he was gone. There was no other signs that he was here.

After recomposing myself, I decide to open up the new box. Polaroid photos of me in my bed. They cover the box. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end. Each picture that I held up was more and more disturbing than the last. Then finally I see him in my bed, the bed shifted under the weight of his knees. Something about him invading my bed felt worse than anything else. That was my last form of safety. Now it's ruined too.

With tears welling in my eyes, I stared the photos down. He pulled away the blanket from my body, put his massive hand on my thigh. I watched as the pictures began to reveal him rubbing his massive looking hand down my leg. I place my own hand over my thigh, realizing I couldn't cover nearly as much skin as he could. He is definitely bigger than I am. My eyes squint as I try to focus on the details of his hand, examining it as best as I can. I hoped I could somehow identify him with just the description of this hand. But the only clear and distinct thing about him, was the tattoo of a cross near his pointer finger and thumb. All of this was making me feel sick. He's gotten this close to me before, I know. But every time I find out later it sends a horrible feeling through me. I've been violated again and again.

Soon, the actual 'gift' is revealed beneath the excessive pile of photos. I choke at the sight of it. Probably the same Polaroid he used to take these pictures with a skimpy pair of underwear. Another note is taped to the camera.

Put on my gift. Take pictures for me baby, but only with my camera. I'm busy tomorrow. I'll come by a bit late. I want to see everything. Your pretty body will look so beautiful in this set. Remember, if I don't get exactly what I want. You'll be in trouble this time. Put the pictures back into the box when you finish.

My heart speed spikes tremendously. I have to take inappropriate pictures for him? No way! Not now, not ever. He doesn't deserve my obedience. Let alone to see me dressed like that. I roll my eyes and try to stay calm, even if it was really hard. I grab a couple of the more alarming photos and stash them with my other evidence. I'd need to come up with something smarter soon, he'd catch me using this spot soon.

This time I put the excess photos in a pile on the counter. I decide to leave the Polaroid camera in the fancy box and to get the necklace in there too. I don't think now was the time to deal with this, I'm so exhausted. My brain is spinning at this point with so many annoying questions I can't answer.

How did he get back in?
How did I not wake up?
Why the fancy box?
Why is he giving me expensive looking items suddenly?

So many things weren't adding up, not that this entire situation ever made sense. But I decide to shove it aside in my state of exhaustion. I head back up the stairs with my phone to show the way. The necklace still lay on my beside table where I'd left it. I grab it and take it downstairs again. Having these items in my room has always worsened my nightmares. Apparently, even if I didn't know it was there. After disposing of the necklace into the box, I start Turing off the lights and heading back to my bed. Determined to get more rest.

I put my phone on the charger and sling myself into my bed. Once cozied back under my covers I managed to fall back to sleep.
Edited by Serina!

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