Chapter 18

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My arms going completely numb wake me up, I hate when they fall asleep when I'm not conscious. My body aches more than it had when I went to sleep. I roll over so my arms are falling off the bed and are straightened out. The blood rushes back through my veins and that god awful feeling of sticky hands subsides after a few minutes of me laying like this uncomfortably. I feel so incredibly drowsy and struggle to get myself back fully onto the bed with my arms. Trying hard to get back into a comfy position, I wiggle around to get back into my original spot.

"Mm, you're kicking me." That familiar deep voice startles me.

In a rush of fear and confusion, I shriek and fall flat on my face to the floor. I can hear Harry groan loudly and move over to the side of the bed I'd fallen from. He leans down and wraps his arms around my waist. Helping me regain my space on the mattress. My body is turned to face him, but my eyes struggle to adjust to the lighting, more so than usual. I must really be sick.

"You're so large." I mumble, realizing how hard it would be for me to even reach a pillow that had fallen without fully getting down from my bed to grab it.

"I hear that a lot." My eyes widen and begin to finally see Harry's face, finding he is smirking cockily at me.

I cover my mouth when he winks. Realizing what he meant. The sexual input just seems a bit odd to me. Something in general felt really really odd to me in the moment. I laugh unintentionally, confusing me more. I feel so strange. Harry flashes a big white smile, making my stomach do front flips. Why does he have to be so beautiful?

"What are you doing here?" I ask, tiredly letting my head lull onto the pillow.

I close my eyes for a moment, feeling Harry gently trace a finger along my jaw. He is silent momentarily as he continues to gently brush his finger along my skin. I allow him to drag his finger down my neck and up to my lips. I felt like everything was under water. It was serene and almost peaceful, had my body not ached so much. And on top of that I had this u shakable anxiety within me that something was wrong. But how could something be wrong if this was so peaceful?

"I was too tired to drive home after my little late night trip. So I crashed here. Your bed is really comfy, you know?" Harry takes his enormous hand away from my face as he speaks.

My eyes pop open at the absence of his gentle touches and I drowsily peak at him rub his enormous hand over the covers. I don't answer him, I'm not quite sure what to say. I just watch as the silk from my duvet falters beneath his touch. Seeing the fabric look so uneven makes me frown. The material smooths out when I delicately brush my hand across it. Flattening out what Harry had just done. He watches me thoughtfully as I fix the silk blankets. I felt like it was the only thing I could focus on.

"You should change into some pajamas, Pheobe. Those clothes are dirty. I can get you some-"

"It's fine. I can dress my self." I cut him off when I realized wat he might be hinting towards.

My cheeks burn red with the thought of what had happened after Harry drove me to his home. I bounce off my bed and wobble toward my dresser. Placing one hand on the top for support. Most of my drawers are empty, I needed to do laundry. But I find a "far too short" pair of shorts and a loose crop top to change into in the very top. Warm. They are set on top of the dresser so I could change.

"I'd argue about how you should leave and all." I giggle out loud unintentionally again. "But you've already seen me practically naked." I say, yanking my shirt over my head.

My voice was very off to me, and it strikes me as odd immediately. But my brain could not comprehend what was going on very clearly. I was so focused on my movements that my thoughts were getting shoved down.

"I love a good show." Harry states, interrupting me from my thinking, I realize he's watching me pull off everything but my underwear. "You're so lovely, baby girl."

I stick my tongue out at him and stick my head through the neck hole in my crop top. Instead of playing along with my playful gesture, he continues to stare at me like I'm prey. He licks his lips as I slide my shorts over my hips. That uncomfortable feeling grows inside me. His caring behavior was beginning to fualter more and more now. And I notice this behavior, but I feel unable to act on it.

"Am I made out of chicken and deep fried or something?" My voice is very childish at this point and I giggle at myself. "Because you're looking at me like I'm a meal from KFC." I cock my head to the side a bit and scrunch up my nose.

"You didn't notice? You turned into fried chicken over night!" Harry's demeanor changes back again and he jokingly points at me.

I dramatically gasp. Pretending to try to cover myself. I say a few "oh no's" as if I'm in distress. A playful side of me starts to expose it's self more and more. The struggle to contain my childish behavior was becoming entirely impossible to achieve.

Harry laughs at me, making me shyly stare over at him. He intently pats the mattress beside him. Coaxing me toward him. I step carefully forward and crawl into the bed, my confidence seeming strange to me. My body is pulled into the man occupying my bed and I don't fight. Instead I giggle more as I feel like I am floating with him moving me on his own. Harry simply rolls around and cuddles me. This is comforting and very much so, pleasing. My eyes close again, not from exhaustion, stress, or fear. But from simple peace and comfort. I realize that this type of contact is something I desperately craved. My lack of affection from a man for so many years definitely affected me in a way I had not realized.

The blankets are yanked around before Harry gets them over us. We are perfectly warm in this state, despite the chilly weather. This beautiful feeling washes over me. Not one I remember having before. I am confused, but content. And I giggle some more as I snuggle in.

"Do you like when I hold you, my little princess?" Harry whispers into my ear when he hears my laughter.

"I do." I whisper back, quickly being taken down by my tiredness now. "You're very warm, my little prince."

I hear Harry snort before I dose off entirely.

A/N: HEY GUYS! Another short chapter! I just wanted to post ASAP because ya'll deserve it!
Anyways, this is a really short filler chapter, I am aware. But the next chapter has a lot more meaning. I SWEAR! :)

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And share, my lovelies.

???? Serina was here ????
Hell yes, EDITED.

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