Mom's gonna be pissed...

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I don't dream.

Yeah I know, everyone technically has dreams on account of it being a bodily function,

but I literally cannot dream.

Up until I was four years old, I had been taken into multiple sleep specialists, and prescribed an over abundance of sleeping pills that didn't work. But the moment it was time for my quirk to manifest, it suddenly made sense to my parents.


"Happy birthday to you!~" As they finished singing, everyone began cheering and urged me to make a wish and blow out the candles. The other kids didn't care for anything else but the cake and goodie bags, so I tried to speed things up so they could finally leave.

Lydia had me sitting on her lap as she ran her slender fingers through my thick waves of black hair, her long nails grazed my scalp each time and made me relax into her touch. I loved my sister.

I closed my eyes and breathed deep, inhaling exaggeratedly for my parents.
I knew they would probably take too many photos but I couldn't find a good enough reason to care.

'I hope my quirk is as kickass as Present Mic's!'

And with that I blew out the candles. They cut the cake and passed it around to all of the guests. Most of the other kids went back to playing, forgetting to include me. Which was fine.

I wanted nothing to do with them anyways. Kids are gross. Constantly sticky all of the time, putting random shit they find on the floor into their mouths. They fucking sucked.

Besides, I could hangout with Lydia in her room. She didn't mind letting me in there since we both shared a lot of the same interests, and she knew I wouldn't touch anything I wasn't supposed to. We played with her ouija board, only to mess around and spell out curse words we knew from mom and dad. 

The guests began to leave once the sun started to set. Parents picked their sleepy children up from the ground, and headed to their respective homes.

I collected the gifts I had received and made my way to my own bedroom, but not before giving my mom and Lydia a kiss goodnight. Lydia told me that goblins would eat my toes if I ever forgot to give my family a kiss before going to sleep.
Time skip to an hour later...

"Well, well, well. Ain't you just the cutest thing?"

My eyes flew open at the sound of an unfamiliar voice next to my ear. I made sure not to give any of my emotions away, keeping a stoic face like Lydia would. She's the toughest person in the world, and if I acted like her, maybe whoever snuck into my room would back off. (Fat chance.)

"Who're you?" I asked in a monotone voice. The person I heard was a green haired floating man, wearing a striped suit. His pale skin had a grey tint to it, and he had a soft ring of purple around his glowing green eyes that had x's for pupils.

"I'm your personal demon, doll-face." He talked in a deep gravelly voice. He had his arms behind his head and his legs crossed in mid air. He had a slightly handsome face, but he overall looked like a corpse.

"I'm Beetlejuice, the bio-exorcist, who gives haunted houses enemas. Flushin' out the breathers so the ghosts can breathe easier.

I'm pretty much a ghost-zombie-Jesus."

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