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"i will always remember
the day you kissed my lips
light as a feather"

"yah lee minhyung come back !! that's my ice cream !!" eunji yelled.

"haha too bad, you can have it if you can reach it," mark said teasingly.

mark ran to the far side of the park, but when he turned around, eunji wasn't there.

"ji ?"

he walked around the park, wondering where his best friend went.

"eunji ?" he called out again.

no answer.

he walked past a big tree and was about to call out eunji's name again, before he was stopped by the sound of sniffling and muffled sobs.

"EUN-ji...?" mark half yelled.

he ran over to eunji and kneeled down next to her.

"hey why are you crying ? is it cause i took your ice cream ? i'm sorry, i won't do it again, don't cry eunji," mark said worriedly.

eunji slowly looked up with puffy red eyes and pouted while wiping the remains of her tears away.

"you're the worst mork," eunji said and playfully turned away from him.

"eunjiiii i'm sorryyy i won't take your ice cream anymore but look at me hm ??" mark whined while swinging eunji's arm back and forth.

eunji whipped around and glared at him.

"never take my ice cream EVER again mork," eunji said threateningly.

"mkay !!"


"earth to eunjiii ?" someone snapped her out of her thoughts.

"huh oh yea hey mork," eunji said as she finally came back to her senses.

"when are you gonna stop calling me that it's been 10 years bro," mark said rolling his eyes. they were waiting for their trig teacher to come into class. "and what were you thinking about ? you were pretty zoned out, i called you like four times."

"oh for real ?? sorry i didn't realize. and just cause i've been calling you mork since we were five doesn't mean i still can't do it now," i smirked at him.

"ugh you literally suck. mork sounds so dumb and we're already 15," mark complained.

"and ??"

"whatever," mark said. "anywaysss what were you thinking about ?"

"nothin' much, i was just thinking about our childhood, the first time i cried in front of you cause you took my ice cream," eunji said.

"oh i remember that hehe," mark said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"yea, anyways wanna come over today ? mom's out for a week for work, but you can still stay," eunji said, taking her trig homework out of her folder.

"sure," mark said, taking his guitar outta his case to play random songs for the remaining 15 minutes of freedom before class starts.

- y'all i just had the sudden urge to write a mark best friend au cause i was listening to 2002 and idk why i had that thought idek how my brain works okay bye enjoy <3 -

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