It was actually true, your brain at one point protected itself and blocked out a few memories of the past when one time too much memories returned all at once from a certain trigger that started it all...this happened while training with some of the BSAA members and lead you to faint only to wake up in the infirmary where the doctor there explained everything.

'Times like these I feel useless with how my brain decided to protect itself...but I guess it's better than gaining a worse condition....' You thought.

Unknown to all of you, secret cameras were in the room with you all, Glenn Arias was watching from somewhere else. However what shocked him was the appearance of Rebbeca and in the end, he ordered his friends to kill the others but Rebbeca was to remain alive.

Back in the building you four were discussing what all was happening and honestly, Leon couldn't believe it, his hand was on his head as he sighed and shook his head as well. This again?!

"Look the shit is spreading fast and thin," Chris says.
"All my of my researchers and staff were infected." Rebbeca mentions.
"This again huh? It's like I'm stuck in a god damn loop." Leon sighs.
"What?" Chris asked.
"What are you talking about?" Rebbeca asks.
"Leon, what happened?" You asked after.

"You know that bomb that went off in DC? Well, it was my mission to stop the terrorists. We got to our rondivou point. Some asshole ratted us out, the bomb went off and everyone on Metro squad - my whole unit gone. I keep fighting, fighting, fighting, instead of ending this shit it just keeps getting worse. This is what my life suppose to be? Fighting the living dead and the bastards that make them...what's the point of it all?" Leon explains.

Honestly, that made your heart hurt worse than just seeing him after the break-up years ago, frowning you looked at the table in front of you. He had a point though all this fighting and no answer if things would make a difference was getting old...and none of the people fighting these viruses were getting any younger but still, the job had to get done.

"Look...this is Glenn Arais, an arms dealer. His deals on the black market are so shady it landed him on a certain government's hit list. A smart bomb was dropped on his wedding, he lost his family and his wife. And now he's got a grudge. After the attack, he went underground but now he's back with BOW's and a score to settle. Here's the kicker, he said his products have targeting capabilities, and from what (Y/N) and I have seen...we believe him." Chris says.
"Chris is right, this guy somehow found a way to make sure his BOW's don't go after him when he's around them." You sighed crossing your arms.
"So you got an arms dealer on one side, and on the other...goverment dropping bombs on weddings. Whos the bad guy here?" Leon asked.
"Arais! And it's our mission to bring his ass down." Chris says.
"Your mission not mine!" Leon shouts.
"Goddamnit Leon!" Chris yells back.
"Stop!" You and Rebbeca yell.
"Leon, with everything that's going on you just sit here and feel sorry for yourself, and you, you're letting a grudge get the better of you. God...I cannot believe how alike you two are." Rebbeca scolds them.
"What are you talking about?" Leon asked.
"Your both acting like a bunch of selfish brats right now," Rebbeca says before going to her bag.

You sighed and shook your head, Chris was once again letting his emotions get in the way and Leon was drinking away his sorrows which you had suspected that half of the reason might be on the fact he lost you due to the past but you weren't gonna get your hopes up for anything.

Next thing the three of you knew she grabbed a sample gun and took a sample of her blood, pretty much making the three of you look at one another with a slightly confused look in your eyes. Rebbeca then began to explain what she knew about the virus and the vaccine she created.

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