Chapter 28: Viktor Viper

Start from the beginning


A hand went behind my head before my head was pulled to Lincoln's face and he kissed the side of my head.

Viktor gave me a look and then held his hand out, "You must be Annalise Dragos. You are your mothers spitting image." He said firmly.

I shook his hand, "Thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Viper. You helped us greatly with both the battle and the war. Your son and Vydia fought valiantly beside me." I said proudly.

He broke into a small smile, "They had a good leader. I heard you rose from the dead." He said curiously.

I gave a nod, "So long as my loved ones are in danger, I'll keep fighting. Not even the grave can keep me from fighting for them." I said smirking at Lincoln who shook his head laughing.

The door opened and I watched a guy who looked a bit like Viktor walk in. "Bastian, there's someone I think you'd really appreciate meeting." Viktor said gesturing to me.

I watched the guy give me his full attention with a bit of curiosity toward his dad. Then his eyes ran over me and to Thomas, "My daughter." Thomas said proudly.

Bastian stared down at me and his mouth dropped open a bit, "You're Annalise." He said holding my hand and placing his other hand over mine.

I gave a nod and he smiled, "You cured my fiancé, Kayla. She had cancer." He said reminding me of sweet Kayla.

That girl was a darling, I nodded, "It was my pleasure, she's amazing." I replied watching him nod, "She is, she's pregnant." He said laughing.

She's pregnant? Oh that's amazing! God we have a lot of pregnant woman here.

Do we even have a doctor?

I looked to Jolene and she gave me a weird look, "Do we even have a doctor or anyone who can deliver a baby?" I asked in disbelief.

She gave a nod, "We have a doctor and a dentist. You'll meet Annie later, she's Dayna's mother. You remember Dayna and Lincoln right?" She asked.

Oh yeah, I remember Dayna. She hates me.

"Dentist?" I said quietly.

Jolene smirked, "Veronica. Don't worry Anne, I have everything figured out. I have for years. Go help everyone unpack." She said gesturing for me to go outside.

Everyone's worried about my health, I'm fine! Shit I'll go take on all three of those ancient dust bags if I have to.

I walked out the house passing by Abe who was carrying a large mattress past me with some random guy I didn't know.

Abe stopped and the guy slammed into the mattress letting a loud 'Oof' sound, "You're awake!" He said proudly.

I gave a nod, "You think some crazy bitch could stop me? I died and came back to life for gods sake. Give me some credit Abe." I said laughing and watching him smirk.

The other guy stared at me rubbing his stomach and smiled widely, "You're Annie!" He said holding a hand out.


I pursed my lips, "Anne is fine, thank you." I said watching him nod, "I'm Mason Ryland. Famous college basketball player." He grinned.

Ah, great. "Maybe we could build a court here." I suggested before smiling and walking away from his energy. It's a bit too much for me now, definitely like his brother Lucas.

"For gods sake Winston, Lift!" A girl shouted while the guy laughed, "Baby I am! You need to lift too!" He said back at her.

Then Dayna walked over and rolled her eyes pushing the Winston guy, "Go help Link." She said before lifting with the girl.

They muttered something about 'always happens' and I watched as everyone who hung out here was either a werewolf, vampire or human who knew about all of this. It was nice, comfortable even. It felt like one massive family.

"You're enjoying it aren't you Lise?" Koda asked popping up beside me.

I smiled and watched him shoulder bump me, "You find out if they're putting me with Jameson and our psycho cousin Amelia?" He asked. I shook my head, "Not yet, I'm thinking they're doing family based. So I'm sure you'll be with the other Nysrough boys." I said before stepping over a little girl drawing on the ground with chalk.

Koda laughed, "They made sure we had a lot of humans, Lincoln said Vladimir plan on wiping humanity out." He said quietly.

Wait? Vladimir?

Where's Niko? He was there trying to save me from Nyx, right before the hell came. Did he get out?

I looked around and didn't see him, "Is Niko here?" I asked watching Koda nod, "In one of the houses setting up a bed."

Apologizing, I headed to the house and searched until I found Niko with Bronx as the two screwed the bed posts in.

"What's this about Vladimir?" I asked watching the two jump and let out sounds of horror and fear, "I didn't mean to spook you guys. I just heard that Vlads out there cleansing humans from the planet." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Niko nodded, "Yeah, my dad and brother kept trying to get you to open the door and let him out. They're huge fans." He said sighing and then tightening a bolt.

So they tricked me?

I furrowed my eyebrows, "And you?" I asked watching him stare up at me.

He shook his head, "I uh turned away from them." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Why?" I asked suddenly not wanting to see Niko because he could be a double spy.

His eyes moved to me, "You, I get that you and Michael are a thing but I've been interested in you since the first day. You're amazing. You're a good leader and I trust in you." He said shrugging.

Well, I can't argue with that.

I gave him a look over, "Just know, Niko, if you betray us, I will kill you." I warned watching him give me a soft smile, "I've learned that." He responded.


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