Chapter Six

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A/N: Sorry (again) for the wait guys! Needed to work on my Algebra grades as it is my worst class and will possibly be the death of me. Anywho, I even delayed it a while longer. I recently bought Assassins Creed: The Secret Crusade and I just had to read it first to get some proper info on how to write this. So thank you for waiting and here we go :D


Daliyah sat outside with the plants adorning the exterior of her home and wondered what Altair was doing at the moment. Was he getting into more trouble with the guards or perhaps simply resting amongst people's roof gardens? What was it about that odd man that made her dare to know more about him?

Perhaps it's the mysterious air about him, she thought. However, she quickly pushed that thought away. All men were mysterious in some sort of way. Like the way some men, for whatever reason, decided to drink until their bellies were full and they developed the well-known urge to puke. She sighed. Her entire day had been spent thinking about the hawk-like man.

The vaguely familiar sound of light, quick footsteps brought Daliyah's train of thought to a halt. She shook her head, as if there were any other thoughts left to rid herself of. Could it be?

Her eyes widened when she realized the sound of footsteps had stopped, sounding within close proximity of her. With great caution and care, she peered over the edge of the roof, only to bump foreheads with the bird man himself.

Altair drew back with a soft grunt. Then he narrowed his eyes at Daliyah. She in turn panicked for a moment before she realized it wasn't a death glare. She quickly backed up nearer to the middle of the garden, giving him room.

"So," she said. "What brings you here?" Her eyes took in the unbelievable sight in front of her. Wasn't it only a handful of hours ago that he had been wounded and then treated by her own hands? And yet he stood before her with renewed strength, which brought her to back to her first thought.
Why did he come back?

Altair seemed a bit unsure himself. His golden orbs flickered with his disbelief in being there. How could he even begin to explain himself? He took advantage of his hood shielding his face from her view and took in her lovely features. Her features that were starting to make an imprint on his mind. The way her brown eyes were splashed with darker brown flecks. The arch of her brows and the long length of her eyelashes. The way those eyelashes seemed to perfectly frame her eyes.

He struggled for a moment. She was a stranger who had done a kindness to him. Besides, he still mourned the death of Asiya as each day passed. He needed to distance himself from this woman who.. Who..

He sighed.

He needed to, but couldn't find it in himself to do so. He was already there anyway, peeking at her from behind his hood like some young boy. He inwardly scowled at himself. How could he resolve this battle within himself? He continued to look down at Daliyah. To his pleasant surprise, she was observing him as well. His heart beat faster against his ribcage, much to his dismay. None of his feelings made any sense. Maybe he just wanted to let himself go, just for a moment, in a world where everything was so deathly precise.


Before either of them really knew what was happening, Altair was leaning forward, gradually closing the distance between them. Both their hearts were like hummingbirds in their chests. Both were afraid the other could hear their hearts desperately beating.

Only centimeters apart..


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