Chapter 10

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A week had passed since Altair and Daliyah's first kiss - with each other. Within that week that had shared a few more brief pecks and forehead touches. As quickly as the overwhelming emotions had come and drowned her, they were mildly subsiding to leave way for reasoning and rationality.

First, there was the issue of Daliyah's older brother. Second, there was the fact that every day held different possibilities. Any day Altair could be fatally wounded in some different region and Daliyah would be much too far away to tend to him. She had no clue, but Altair's arrogance had earned him many rivals and potential enemies within the brotherhood, as well as outside it, so if he was injured, there wasn't a certain amount of people who would care.

It was a struggle for her, truly. She knew that it would tear her heart open if one day the Assassin just did not show up. Her heart would bleed and bleed until the day he finally came, if she had not collapsed before that happened. As remiss as Altair could be, the emotions in him had also grown powerful, and his stubbornness would not allow him to stay away from Daliyah for a full twenty-four hours. He would always visit her at least once a day to keep her mind at ease, and to admire her beauty and intelligence.

This visit Altair was sprawled out on a soft mat, his amber eyes staring up at the ceiling as if, if he focused hard on a spot long enough, the secrets of their world's struggles would be revealed. At the same time, Daliyah ran her fingers absentmindedly through his hair, disentangling the dirt and grit from it. What could they do? They knew what they needed to, but not how to go about it.

Whatever, as long as they were together, they could take their time to figure out what they would do. The logical pondering and worrying faded back into the background, letting the love and sureness of what they felt resurface. It was that of a young love - quick and unbound, strong and undeniable.


((A/N: I am so sorry that it's another short one. I'm actually trying this school year, but things are just... more than they ever were previous years. Hectic weeks full of band and bowling and blah de blah. I am welcoming suggestions for the story; I'm kinda' running back and forth between stories and school work and yeah. Thank you so much for the support for this even though I take so long to update. I love you guys! <3))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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