Chapter Eight

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Daliyah paced back and forth, back and forth, as she thought about what she would do. What could she do? She didn't know where to look for Altair and she obviously could not go back to her brother. She let out a sigh of frustration. She was falling for a killer and she knew it, but she wasn't quite sure that she cared. He had not done anything to harm her, in fact, quite the contrary in the way that he had even warned her about himself. The past handful of days seemed to have passed by in a blur of sudden, thrilling emotions and growing excitement. And it was then quite evident that the feeling she carried were matched, if not surpassed.

With not much else to do, Daliyah came to the decision to pay close attention to the guards of the area; where Altair was, the guards were sure to eventually strike discord with him.

In the time since Altair had left Daliyah to deal with the wrath of her brother, he had felt ashamed of himself; he had run from the entire situation. His brows were furrowed, his eyes narrowed in mental concentration. Sitting atop a tower with a hawk as a companion, he felt at home, and welcome to think things through without the worry of being spotted by a guard. What would he do? He had come to the realization that he was falling for someone he barely knew, that much was obvious. Daliyah had a brother and a protective one at that.

A sudden chuckle echoed in Altair's mind and broke pass the surface of his lips. Since when did he think about things, other than missions, this thoroughly? Since when did he genuinely care for someone who wasn't a member of the Brotherhood who was close to him? Daliyah was bringing a part of him up out of his arrogant foolishness. With his heart taking priority of the thoughts in his mind, there was no room for the usual ignorance. He hadn't sneered at Daliyah's brother; he could have easily set him aside or intimidated him with any or all of his many weapons. Having feelings for her was spurring on a better part of himself to show, and that made him happy. With that last thought in mind, he moved to the edge of the tower, and leapt.


A/N: really short chapter, just since you guys have had to wait for so long. I'll try to post a new one, a longer one, within a week's time. Thank you to those who gave feedback on whether or not I should continue this as is.

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