Chapter Nine

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Daliyah's vigil was not in vain, for within an hour, she caught a glimpse of the hawk-like Altair running quite a distance from her from between two adjacent buildings. Shortly afterward, a guard's cry pierced the air.

"Get the Assassin!"

Honestly, he could merely trip over a guard's foot and the guard would bitterly find fault with him. In fact, that is what Daliyah thought - with mild amusement. She listened for any light footsteps and kept her eyes open for any flash of white amongst the shades of brown of the city.

"Catching some fresh air?"

Daliyah gasped, stepping further from the edge of the balcony she had been perched upon, her eyes widening just a fraction. However, a familiar resonance registered in her ears, and she realized it was Altair. How had he...?

"My apologies," he said, half joking, judging from the playful glint that shone in his eyes and the smile on his lips. "The guards are somewhere below, no doubt scratching their heads, but I feel it would still be wise to be cautious."

This stirred a vaguely familiar joy inside Daliyah that she had not felt since she was a child playing with her brother, scaring their mother with their antics - the thrill of danger as she and her brother dared to be like the talked-about protectors of the city. She was not the protector, no, but she was at the side of one and that was much better.

Altair swung around and pulled Daliyah close so they were well out of the guards' field of view. Sheltered by his dusty cowl, he could again admire her lovely features, each individual one molded together to create one beautiful landscape. Altair found that he could not tear himself away even as the sounds of the guards calling to each other and their falling footsteps faded into the bustle of everything and everyone else.

No one will interrupt this time.

That single thought provided Altair a drive to explore the landscape he had been admiring just seconds before. He had no knowledge of whether or not he had ever wanted something so badly, even when something in the very back, most remote edge of his mind was screaming for him not to. Barely keeping his breathing steady, he focused his eyes on Daliyah's, which glimmered with hope and a joy similar to that of a child's. Every noise sounded far then. Every potential interruption or threat seemed trivial. Every worry evaporated. It was just them this time, just their hearts beating furiously, rattling their ribcages, leaving them nearly breathless.

What a strange thing it was, the senseless high of being in love. There was a sense of abandonment - and abandoning of logic and reasoning. There was only emotion - intuition and feeling.

A buzz had reached their ears. Barely a sliver of distance separated their lips before finally, they met, and the meet was so tantalizingly sweet, shy yet needing, respectful yet demanding. It was a push and pull, a give and take, and neither wanted to pull away.


A/N: Alright I'm sorry guys that was another pretty short one, but I said I'd update within a week so here ya' go. :3 I'll try one short update each week or a long update every other week. I dunno. I hope you enjoy!

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