Chpt 2: Summer Plans and Macaron Flavors.

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Marinette pulled the finished skirt from the sewing machine and held it up for her student to see. "So, that is how we sew the material together to get these gathers," she said to Odette. The girl reached out and took the skirt and then looked closely at how what Marinette had been doing at the sewing machine led to the gathers.

Odette was a small, dark-haired girl that was one of Marinette's and Adrien's 'Adrienette' fan club.  The fan club girls had been following the couple around and had a blog where they posted photos and news. Odette had gotten up the courage to compliment Marinette on her amazing pink dress with the black Art Deco cats when she saw her one time, and the next time Odette saw 'Adrienette', Marinette had actually started talking to her about fashion design- Odette's most favorite thing! Marinette gave Odette her e-mail and they had been writing each other, which led to Marinette offering to teach her during the summer, and here she now was! She could still hardly believe her mother was wiling to pay someone to teach her!

"I think that this gathering technique is a little advanced to start you on," Marinette smiled at the girl, "but I just wanted to show you, since you asked and I was working on this as a dress-up costume for a little girl I babysit."

Odette offered her the skirt back. "What kind of thing do you think I should start on?" she asked Marinette.

"Since you already have a lot of basic skills with the sewing machine, I think we can find a simple summer dress pattern, if that is something that interests you.  Maybe a pillowcase dress?" Marinette looked over at the girl to see what she thought.

"Yes!" Odette replied, eager to start on something she could wear.

"Let's take a quick trip to the fabric store so I can get an idea of what colors and patterns of fabric you like and then I'll find a dress pattern for you," said Marinette.

The girl's face broke into a huge grin and she started to bounce up and down in excitement.

Marinette smiled at her, grabbed her purse (checking to make sure her red and black spotted kwami, Tikki, was in there), and led Odette out of the house toward the fabric store.

- - -

Marinette was browsing online for simple dress patterns, enjoying the quiet as the kwamis had chosen to head onto the rooftop for a bit, when Adrien knocked and then came into her room. She looked over and saw the huge grin on his face before returning part of her attention to the computer.

"So, you're enjoying your summer piano program then, I take it?" she said, continuing to scroll through the patterns, but smiling at the joy she had seen on his face. She was so happy that he was able to get back to one of the things he really loved doing. She was amazed his father had condescended to pay for it. Gabriel was definitely unpredictable these days.

"It's that obvious, huh?" Adrien asked. He came to stand behind her to see what she was doing on the computer, putting his hands on the back of her chair. "Four hours of piano a few days a week is heaven!" he said. "How did your first day of teaching go?" he asked her, curious as to how she enjoyed teaching something she loved to someone else. Not everyone loved doing that.  He reached a hand up to play with one of her pigtails, waiting for her reply.

"Good! Odette's such a sweet girl and she already has a lot of skill, she just needs to learn how to apply it to making the things she's interested in. Oh, but remember, if you see her she's twelve, even if she doesn't look like it! It's apparently a huge sore spot for her. Since she's so petite people are always mistaking her for being younger. My dad made the mistake of guessing she was in primary school and the girl turned bright red and looked like she was going to explode! Dad quickly went to hide in the bakery!"

"Future Rewoven" Book 3 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat