Chapter 6

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Things between Ken and I have been going pretty good. He takes me out a couple times a week, fucks me on a more than regular basis, and has stayed over a couple times.
He hasn't talked or treated me the way he did outside of the pub again. I'm wondering if maybe it was the alcohol? Ken always has a beer or two while we are out for dinner but no more. I can't tell you what he does or if he drinks the nights we are not together but besides that one night he treats me good. He is taking me to have dinner with his grandma tonight. I have to admit I'm a little nervous and have tried on almost everything in my closet and have yet to find anything I think would be suitable. By the time Ken knocks on the door I'm still in my underwear and bra looking at all the clothes on my bed.
"Come on in." I yell from my bedroom. I hear him open the door and make his way towards my room. His eye move up and down my body taking me in when he reaches me, he is biting his lip leaning against the door frame using his hand to push down on the bulge in his pants. "See what you do to me."
Ken makes his way towards me, but I put my hands up to stop him.
"We can't do this now, we will be late for dinner with your grandma and I still don't know what to wear." I tell him but he doesn't listen. His finger touches my lips then he drags it down between my breast to my belly button and then moving over my underwear. I am already wet for him.
"You sure you don't want to do this now? Your sweet pussy is telling me something different." He says with an evil grin.
"Ken no." I swat his hand away with a small giggle and head towards the bathroom to grab the pair of black pants hanging on the back of the door. Just before I get to the bathroom door I feel him behind me, but I wasn't getting a sexual vibe from him this time. His hand met my shoulder in a push. "You do not say no to me." He growled
With his push I fell forward on the rug right in front of the bathroom. But before I even had a chance to comprehend what happen he was at my side. "Shit Lane, I'm sorry I tried to lay my hand on your shoulder but you tripped on the corner of the rug. Here let me help you." He takes my arm and helps me up. And I let him even though I know he pushed me, I felt it. I didn't trip on the rug. He was angry that I said no to have sex with him. He pulls me into him once I get to my feet and I can smell the beer on his breath. I pull away and look him dead in the eye. "You pushed me Ken. Have you been drinking?" I ask, anger in my tone.
"Lane I didn't push you I swear. You tripped at the same time I went to reach for you. I'm sorry." He paused, then spoke again. "I only had one beer while helping my grandma make dinner, she is so excited to meet you." He says with a shy smile. That smile. Maybe I did trip? It is possible right? I push it aside and grab my pants in the bathroom, Ken is holding up a shirt for me when I walked back into the bedroom. "This one is nice." He says still holding it up. It's a white sleeveless blouse with red flowers printed on it and a zipper in the front giving you a choice to how much cleavage you revealed.
"Okay, I'll wear that one then. We better get going." I take the shirt and slide it over my head and walk to the other side of my bed and put on my black flats. When we get to the truck he opens the door for me like he always does and places a small gently kiss on my cheek.
The drive to his grandmas house was silent, I kept replaying the events from my apartment in my head and I don't know what to think. By the time we get to his grandmas house I've decide it was an accident and to let it go.
"Oh lord look at you." Kens grandma meets us on the top of the porch stairs and pulls me into a hug. "You are beautiful." She tells me but is looking at Ken with a smile.
"It's so nice to meet you Ms...." I don't even know her name.
"Call me Ann." She says and takes my hand pulling me inside. The house is amazing. So much bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. Walking in the front door your met with a set of  stairs the leads to an upper level. There is a dining area to the left with a table big enough to seat 10 people. And to the right is the living room. There is a beautiful stone fire place on the back wall with a couch and love seat on either side. The walls in every room are the same colour. Light gray, which matches everything in every room. The dark gray table cloth on the 10 person table. The light blue couch set, and gray stone fireplace.
"This way." Ken lays his hand on my lower back a leads me into the kitchen where Ann was taking a roaster out of the oven.
" I hope you like pot roast Lane." It came out as a statement, but she was looking as me as if it were a question. "I do." I tell her and continue to look around. The kitchen has the same colour walls as the rest of the house. The cabinets are white, the counter tops white and gray marble, and all the appliances are stainless steel.  Laid out on the island in the middle we're plates of food. Baby carrots, roasted potatoes, garlic bread, the pot roast she just removed from the oven and a small silver gravy boat.
"Your home is stunning Ann. All this food looks amazing." I tell her in awe. What I wouldn't give to have a place of my own like this. Somewhere to finally call home. A family to cook for.
"Thank you dear. Would you like something to drink? Wine, beer, water?"
"Wine would be great thank you." Ann turns around to reach for a wine glass but Ken steps in. "Let me grandma." He leans down and gently kisses her cheek before getting the glass of out the cabinet. My heart leaped out of my chest with his small gesture towards Ann. All kinds of feeling are floating around. Push them down Lane I think to myself.
Ann and I make our way to the dining area and takr a seat at the gigantic table. Ken offered to make the gravy and finish up with supper, to bring it in when it was finished. I can see Ken moving around the kitchen from where I am seated. He look peaceful and at home. My heart swells and a smile forms on my face.
"How did you a Ken meet?" Ann asks as she takes a sip of her water.
"A long long time ago. Ken and I were friends back before he moved away. When he got back in town we ran into each other and things sort of went from there." I tell her. She looks at me with a look of pity or sympathy, maybe confusion. I can't tell but it doesn't look like happiness or joy. What is she thinking?
"I bet your glad to have had Ken around to help you these last few weeks. You must be lonely out here all by yourself when he is not here." I state, taking a sip of my wine.
"Ken lives here with me now dear, so I'm never lonely. Well I am a little bit as of late, on the nights he spends with you." She tells me with a shy smile. Lives here? I thought he was just visiting, helping fix up her house. Why didn't he tell me over the past 3 weeks we have been seeing each other that he lives here? He made me believe that our time was short lived, that he would soon be returning to Boston. And why wasn't he returning? He has a business and a life there. Or so I thought. I remember him telling me the first day we bumped into each other that he was visiting. Why did he lie?
"Food is served." Ken walks in from the kitchen carrying a plate in each hand with a big smile on his face. But when he looks at me he can tell something his wrong, and his smile fades.
"What's going on in here?" He asks. Looking back and forth between Ann and I. I just stare at him. I'm not going to confront him in front of his grandma, but I would like some answers.
"We can talk about it later." I say flatly.
"I'm sorry Ken dear, I opened my big mouth. I didn't realize she didn't know you were not going back to Boston." Her eyes are looking down at her hands. She looks worried.
"I was going to.." he starts.
"We can talk about it later, let's eat." I say giving Ann a weak smile then bringing my wine glass to my lips and chugging it. Ken returns to the kitchen to retrieve the rest of the food. Now that I think about it Ken has never mentioned going back to Boston. In the 3 weeks that we have been seeing each other the topic of Boston had never came up. I assumed that we were on borrowed time. I'm not sure how I feel about him living here, I didn't think this was going much further past the 3 or 4 weeks he was here. I hoped but never wanted to let myself think that this was going anywhere only to be let down. We ate our meal in mostly silence, a mention of the weather, and the upcoming holidays were the extent of our conversation. After we finished eating I helped Ann clear the table and do the dishes while Ken sat in the living room watching tv. I am starting to feel strong emotions towards Ken, but his lack of communication with me has me a little unsettled. "Thank you for the delicious meal Ann, and thank you for having me." I give her a small hug and turn to leave.
"Will I see you later dear?" She asked Ken in a low voice. Not wanting me to hear her obviously.
"I'm not sure yet grandma." He leans in kissing her check again and turns towards me, taking my hand in his leading me to the truck.

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