"Yeah?" Evie asked. The two girls came up behind him and Cece Evie placed an arm on Dougs shoulder and Jazzy leaned hers on his head. He had gotten used to her antics. They had been going on since pre prep and she had always been taller than him.

Cece on the other hand was not thrilled about the princesses' antics and pushed her off making her stumble forward. "And after we collect from all the girls for their gowns and Chad's cape..." Cece said as Doug typed something out quickly.

Evie and Jazzy blanched, eyes wide and Jaws to the floor. Evie laughed, "Wow! No wonder people work. What am I gonna do with all this money?" She leaded more into Doug's Shoulder

Doug looked up at Evie, "I figured with your fourth of the money, I think in the next few years, you could buy that castle you always wanted." He grabbed her hand, "That way, you wouldn't need a prince." he looked up at her with admiration.

She placed her other hand on top of his, "You're right, I don't. Because I have you."

"I'm gonna buy a real sword," Jazzy grinned maniacally. There was a moment and then she sighed, "I needed a boyfriend," She leaned on her palm. Evie, Cece and Doug laughed. She checked her watch, "I gotta get going and meet Lonnie at the Amphitheater."

"Going to watch the guys?" Cece asked.

She cocked her head to the side, "Who said anything about watching?" She slipped the handle of her fencing sword out of her duffle bag and giggled before skipping off down the hall.

After she walked out Doug looked at Evie, "They're gonna die." Evie and Cece nodded, it was never a good Idea to fight with Princess Jazzy of Agrabah.


"All right, boys. Let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me. Let's go." Jay said. Ella was up top watching with Jane and a few other cheerleaders. "Assembler. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En Garde," with that they started. "Keep your center!" He slid under Carlos. "Eyes on your opponent! Up and over."

Two fencers blew past everyone else with ease. Their intent was clearly on Ryder and Jay, "Get em guys" Carlos called. Ryder and Jay took off their helmets to look at the two in shock.

"Hey" Aaron said, coming up to Jane and Ella.

Jane looked at him in surprise, "You're not down there."

He looked at her as if she were insane, "I'll play tourney, but no one is putting me up against princes' with swords. I'm not Mulan's Kid." Just then the masked fighters took off their masks and revealed that one was indeed Mulan's kid. Lonnie and Jazzy had decided to try this again. The cheerleaders and Ella clapped. Aaron blushed when he saw Lonnie making Ella laugh and elbow him. "Shut up." He had been trying to talk to her for months.

Jay laughed, "Not bad."

"You should put us on the team."

Chad interrupted. "We can't," he looked apologetic, "You guys have tried this before, it's the same every year," he reminded them. "You're girls."

"So?" Jay asked, "If they can fight, what's the issue?"

"The rule book," he walked over to the corner of the room where a pocket-sized book sat next to the swords. "Section 2, paragraph 3, 11-4. "A team will be composed of a captain, a co- captain and eight men."

"Okay, yeah, but you're down a man! I mean, since Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff." Lonnie argued.

Jazzy stepped up too, "and another since Aarons been terrified since you almost killed him." Aaron looked down hoping Lonnie would dismiss the Idea.

"I know that, and I even brought it up to coach last week." That was apparently part of the be a better Chad Charming program, "You guys kick our butts every year but they won't let us put you on the team. I just don't want you guys to get in trouble."

"Jay," Jazzy pleads.

"Ryder," Lonnie tries.

Ryder shakes his head, "there's nothing I can do, I don't make the rules. If I did you and El would already be playing tourney and I'd let Lonnie on no issue."

"I'm sorry. Coach trusts me. I'm not gonna stay captain if I just throw out the rule book," Jay said painfully.

Lonnie was agitated, "If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war."

Jazzy stood in her spot for a long moment as Lonnie left, "I'm not another damsel in distress," she whispered to herself. There was clearly a story there but before Jay could ask, she left. Ryder shook his head letting him know that shouldn't ask at all.

Jay sighed, Chad looked at the rule book and threw it over his shoulder, "All right, guys. Practice is over. Let's go."

Aaron hopped up, "I'm gonna go talk with Lonnie and Jazzy." Ella and Jane laughed knowing fully well he only wanted to talk to Lonnie.

As Jane and Ella were walking away Carlos called out, "Jane! Jane, hey. Hey."

"I'll let you two talk," she walked down to meet up with her boyfriend, hoping Carlos finally mustered up some courage to ask her out. She made her way over to him and he picked her up, spinning her a bit. He hadn't seen her all day and she was the highlight of his day every day. She giggled as he put her down on her feet. "You were amazing. Bummer about Jazz and Lon though."

He tried to apologize. "Sorry about that-"

She cut him off, "No need. It's been going on for years. This is the third year they've tried." Jay felt a little better, but it still hurt. "So where Is date night gonna be today?" She asked, playing with his hair.

He loved when she did that, it made him so calm and content. Her touch was so gentle, something he was still getting used to, "It's a surprise, let me shower and change, go put on something comfortable I can tell that your shoes are killing you," she laughed a little and shrugged, as usual he was right. Both departed for their dorms. 

Published: Nov 11, 2019
Updated/ Edited: Feb 03, 2023

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