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Hey dudes.. I've decided to make an art book as boy i sure do love drawing (well, most of the time). I kinda just draw whatever i want to. So at the moment i really enjoy drawing characters from musicals! I am currently drawing all of the queens from the Broadway version of SIX, and i am drawing one of West End's Elizas from Hamilton!! EEEEEE hell yeah you go draw, girl!!! 😆

Anyways, please cope with me if i don't update in a while. Even though i've been in quite a drawing mood (does that even make sense?) recently, sometimes art block can just completely take control over me and i just become a depressed, fat slob~ how cute!

Also in that image thing at the top i will post memes or just funny pictures/videos that i enjoy. I hope that you enjoy them too!

welp.. I'll see y'all when i have some drawings to post! Bye my... dudes?

Wait hold on, are you guys Shaniacs or Boogaras? Tbh i don't even know anymore haha

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