Chapter Twenty-Nine - Nightmares & Fears

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(Alya's P.O.V.)

     Here I am again at the Eiffel Tower. 

     I look down at Alix, who is tied up at my feet.  I try to move, to untie her, but I don't have control anymore.  I see Jade Aspik, Nino, and Multifox in the distance, and with all of my will, I fight the demon inside telling me to fight them.

     My body moves against my will, and when I speak, the voice isn't mine.

     The scene changes, and I'm on a roof with Multifox.  I knock her down, and I continue to hurt her. 

     "Stop," I say, as if that will do anything.  Even though I can't remember it actually happening, I deliver the final blow, and I watch the life leave her eyes.


     "No!" I scream, sitting up.  Still breathing heavily, I look at my surroundings.  I'm in Marinette's room, and I'm on an inflatable bed.

     "Alya?" Marinette whispers, "Do you want to go on a walk and talk about it?"

     "Y-Yeah," I say, grabbing the fox necklace from the box on the desk. We both transform and walk through Paris.

     "So, did you have a nightmare?" Ladybug asks me.  I nod.

     "What happened?"

     I think about the life leaving Marinette's eyes, and I tell her all about the nightmare.

     "You don't need to worry, Alya, you're safe now.  The Miraculous of the Ladybug and the Black Cat are separated, as they should be," Ladybug says, hugging me.


(Adrien's P.O.V.)

     "Marinette!" I scream as she falls down.  I'm in too much pain to move. A green dome forms around her, and she de-transforms after a few minutes. Hawk Moth knocks me out with his cane.


When I open my eyes again, I'm in a dark room. I can see someone tied up across the room. It's Marinette.

"Princess!" I scream, trying to break the chains restraining me. I don't care about my safety anymore. I only care about Marinette's.

"K-Kitty?" Marinette whispers, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, "Are you okay? What's the last thing you remember?"

"What did you do with the ring?"

No response. None at all.

"Princess?" I yell.

Still no response.


"Princess!" I scream, opening my eyes.

Plagg gives me a look of concern. "Hey, kid, are you okay?" he says.

I shake my head. "I'm still having the nightmares, Plagg," I tell him.

"But it's been half a year!"
"I know, Plagg. I just can't seem to get it out of my head."
"How about you eat some Camembert? That always cheers me up!"
"Thanks, but no thanks."
"Suit yourself."

I lay down and try to go back to sleep.


*the next evening*

(Marinette's P.O.V.)

It's been six months since I've been outside, de-transformed, after dark. Today, I decided to go out with Adrien.

"Marinette, you don't have to if you don't want to," he says.

"No, I'm ready. I just don't want history to repeat itself," I say. We walk outside, and I want to yell, "Tikki, spots on!" but I don't.

"Did your nightmares stop?" Adrien asks me.

I nod. "Yeah, they stopped a month ago," I mutter.

"You're pretty lucky then, M' Lady."
"Yours haven't stopped yet? How bad have they gotten?"
"In one of them, Hawk Moth killed you. In a recent one, you just wouldn't respond, no matter how many times I called out to you."
"I'm sorry, Adrien."
"It's my fault. I left my diary open."

We walk in silence for a while until I speak again. "Adrien," I say, "I think I might have an idea."

"What is it, Bugaboo?" he says. I smile at the old nickname that he hasn't used in months.

"I want to distribute the Miraculous permanently. They won't have to give it back at the end of a fight."
"Are you sure?"
"Then it must be a good idea."
     "Thanks, Kitty.  I wanted to make sure it was okay with you."
     He gives me a weak smile.  "Well, Bugaboo, I'm glad you ran it by me," he says.


     When we get home, I open the Miracle Box.

     "Alright," I whisper, "Now to get these to their proper owners."

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